雅思小作文求批改!剑8 Test 4 语法不是特别好,自己练习ing,希望大家多给一些意见.The diagrams display the information about UK residents travel to other countries and overseas residents travel to UK between 1979 and 1999,and

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 14:28:08

雅思小作文求批改!剑8 Test 4 语法不是特别好,自己练习ing,希望大家多给一些意见.The diagrams display the information about UK residents travel to other countries and overseas residents travel to UK between 1979 and 1999,and
雅思小作文求批改!剑8 Test 4 语法不是特别好,自己练习ing,希望大家多给一些意见.
The diagrams display the information about UK residents travel to other countries and overseas residents travel to UK between 1979 and 1999,and show the most popular countries for UK residents to travel in 1999.
As is shown in the line chart,in general,the number of UK residents who visited abroad and that of overseas residents who visited to the UK were all increased during these 20 years,rising to about 53millions and 28 millions respectively.However,the statistic of former was always more than that of latter,and the gap between the two data had an increasing tendency,especially the difference dramatic enlarged from approximately 1985 to 1999.
Focusing on the bar graph,it is clear seen that France was the most popular country for UK travelers in 1999,accounting for about 11 millions.The second popular country was Spain,and the number of visitors was 9 millions.Except these two countries,there were 3 countries UK residents preferred to visit in 1999,which were Turkey (2.5 millions),Greece (3 millions),and USA (3.5 millions).
Overall,the number of UK residents who traveled abroad sharp rose from 1979 to 1999.Meanwhile,France gained the most number of UK visitors.

雅思小作文求批改!剑8 Test 4 语法不是特别好,自己练习ing,希望大家多给一些意见.The diagrams display the information about UK residents travel to other countries and overseas residents travel to UK between 1979 and 1999,and
1.这是个什么图?饼状图?条形图?流程图?要先交代明白啊!具体的数据起码要出来,你在回答里就写了一个bar chart,水知道你的数据错没错?

雅思小作文求批改!剑8 Test 4 语法不是特别好,自己练习ing,希望大家多给一些意见.The diagrams display the information about UK residents travel to other countries and overseas residents travel to UK between 1979 and 1999,and 雅思小作文求批改!剑4 Test 4 语法不是特别好,自己练习ing,希望大家多给一些意见.The diagrams display the information about UK residents travel to other countries and overseas residents travel to UK between 1979 and 1999, and 雅思作文批改 雅思小作文求批改+评论 内容:剑桥8 test 2According to three pie charts,it can be concluded that annual spending by a particular UK school changes from year to year.Teachers' salaries were the dominant proportion in about 20 years.Over the 求剑桥雅思8 test 求改雅思小作文,望各位大神评价建议+打分 顺便能分享一个互改雅思作文的平台,Cam6,test 4,writing 1 剑6 test 4The charts offers the information about populations of the people who is married or divorced in America for 197 雅思作文可以用句酷作文批改吗? 我的雅思作文帮忙批改 评分 批改雅思作文的是英国人吗? 考官如何批改雅思大作文 雅思小作文求修改! 哪有雅思作文批改的服务啊?哪里提供雅思作文批改的服务啊? 雅思小作文批改这是我写的,剑桥雅思第五册,test two 中的writing rask 1肯定写得不怎么样,但我下个月就要去考.希望高手们能够给点意见,哪些地方错啦,哪些地方用其它的方式表达更好啊,或者哪 雅思作文批改 剑四test4小作文 (高分求修改)剑四test4小作文 The information in the first line graph represents the visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999,and the accompanying bar chart shows some popular countries which were fo 新托福作文求批改~ 一篇高中英语作文,求批改 雅思作文救星上面有作文批改服务吗? 雅思作文批改 剑2 test1 小作文 (高分求修改)The graph gives information about theconsumer durables owned in the UK over the period from 1972 to 1983. As can be seen from the table, the greatestincrease was found in telephone ownership, r