找个英文比较好的来帮我解决一下下面的题目,people often greet each other with “hello” or “hi”.other forms of greeting are “good morning”,“good afternoon”,or “good evening” according to different times of the day.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 15:41:26

找个英文比较好的来帮我解决一下下面的题目,people often greet each other with “hello” or “hi”.other forms of greeting are “good morning”,“good afternoon”,or “good evening” according to different times of the day.
people often greet
each other with “hello” or “hi”.other forms of greeting are “good morning”,
“good afternoon”,or “good evening” according to different times of the day.
when meeting foreign friends for the first time,we do not ask them questions
about their private life.so we may talk about the weather,sports or show our
concern about their children.
in introductions,
we usually introduce a man to a woman,and the young to the old.the titles of
miss,mrs.,mr.,professor,or doctor,etc.can be used with the surname.newly
introduced people will shake hands and greet each other with “how do you do?” or
“i am glad to meet you.”
1.when people meet for the first time,
they usually greet each other with _____.
a.“how are
you?” b.“nice to see you.”
c.“how do you
do?” d.“good morning!”
2.people usually greet each other with
all of the following except _____.
night!” b.“i’m glad to meet you!”
morning!” d.“how are you?”
3.we usually reply to “how do you do?”
with _____.
“hello!” b.“how are you?”
c.“i’m fine,thank
you.” d.“how do you do?”
4.when we meet american friends for
the first time,we usually do not ask them questions like _____.
a.“is it the first
time you’ve been here?”
b.“are you
c.“what do you
think of the city?”
d.“do you like the
weather here?”
5.when people meet for the first time,
they usually _____ besides saying “how do you do?”
hands b.shake heads
c.kiss each
other d.smile at each other

找个英文比较好的来帮我解决一下下面的题目,people often greet each other with “hello” or “hi”.other forms of greeting are “good morning”,“good afternoon”,or “good evening” according to different times of the day.
1.D Good morning! 早安! ( 第一段有提到,when meeting foreign friends for the first time, we do not ask them questions about their private life. so we may talk about THE WEATHER) 第一次见面不会问私生活,会问天气和运动之类的
2.A Good night! 晚安! (Good night 通常是是睡觉前说的,晚上遇见朋友也只说Good evening!)
3.C I'm fine thank you! 我很好谢谢!(其余三个都是问候语)
4.B Are you married? 你结婚了么? (第一次见面不问私生活!)
5.A Shake hands 握手 (文中并没提及smile at each other)
希望对你有帮助! :D




找个英文比较好的来帮我解决一下下面的题目,people often greet each other with “hello” or “hi”.other forms of greeting are “good morning”,“good afternoon”,or “good evening” according to different times of the day. 英语比较好的哥哥姐姐们进来一下帮我解决一个问题,我的名字叫杜宇.我想弄个英文名字,谁能告诉我一个比较好的?好懂的那种要能看出杜宇这个意思的 question about chinese tea来个英语比较好的,帮我提个简单的有关中国茶文化的英语问题,并用英语回答一下,演讲时要用, 我最喜爱的风味食品作文大家来帮我找,我最喜爱的风味食品烧仙草,有没有比较好的作文或者范文,我想参考一下,对了, 请大家推荐一下广州的小升初数学补习班那里比较好 我看我的孩子现在对六年级的数学学得不是很好,对题目的理解总是会走弯路,我想要找一家比较好的补习班帮他补一下.最好就是比较负责 谁帮我找一下英文的宇宙介绍? 帮我找一下关于奥运知识英文的 谁帮我解一下下面的4道题目 帮我找一下20个汉字的来源 空这的题目怎么写,来帮我一下. 英语比较好的过来帮下面忙请问一下生日该怎么填 如果我生日是19950101 那下面该怎么填 帮我解决下空着的题目,谢谢 请求帮我解决下面的数学题 请大家帮我找一下关于美国50 个州的概况.需要全英文的谢谢 找家品质比较好的开关电源,谁帮我推荐下啊 、 我只希望你能给我个肯定的微笑 哪位英文比较好的,请帮我把这段话翻译成英文. 会英语的帮我解决一下 你们谁的英语水平比较好,麻烦帮我翻译一下,谢谢!翻译 :你们谁的英语水平比较好?谢谢!