as 在从句中的用法有哪些?各种从句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:53:00

as 在从句中的用法有哪些?各种从句
as 在从句中的用法有哪些?

as 在从句中的用法有哪些?各种从句
as 引导时间状语从句
She is washing her clothes as she listens to music.她一边洗衣服一边听歌.
as 引导原因状语从句
I didn't tell him the truth as he had known it.我没有给他讲真相因为他已经知道了.
as 引导让步状语从句
Child as he is,Tom knows a lot.汤姆尽管还是个小孩,他懂的东西却挺多的.
as 引导定语从句
As we all know,the earth runs around the sun.
as 引导方式状语从句
You must do it as you are told.

when [(h)wen] conj. 就在那个时候, 在的时候 adv. 什么时候, .hwenne when,as,while这三个词都可以引出时间状语从句,它们的差别是:when