一道英语数列数学题1、If A1、A2 A3.An.is a sequence such that A1=-2 and An+1 is the reciprocal of the sequence of An for all n≥1,what is the value of A4?答案是1/256,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:47:22

一道英语数列数学题1、If A1、A2 A3.An.is a sequence such that A1=-2 and An+1 is the reciprocal of the sequence of An for all n≥1,what is the value of A4?答案是1/256,
1、If A1、A2 A3.An.is a sequence such that A1=-2 and An+1 is the reciprocal of the sequence of An for all n≥1,what is the value of A4?

一道英语数列数学题1、If A1、A2 A3.An.is a sequence such that A1=-2 and An+1 is the reciprocal of the sequence of An for all n≥1,what is the value of A4?答案是1/256,


一道英语数列数学题1、If A1、A2 A3.An.is a sequence such that A1=-2 and An+1 is the reciprocal of the sequence of An for all n≥1,what is the value of A4?答案是1/256, 一道英语数列数学题 这是一道数学题,由于比较急,希望你能快速回答,对于每项均是正整数的数列A:a1,a2,a3,…,an,定义变换T1,T1将数列A变换为数列T1(A):n,a1-1,a2-1,…,an-1对于每项均是非负整数的数列B:b1,b2,b3,… 一道有关数列的数学题数列{an}中,a1=1,a2=2,a(n+2)=a(n+1)-an(n∈N+),则a2008= 一道数学题,关于高一的数列已经等差数列a1、a2、a3.a7=4,求前13项和S13=?要求写明思路! 数列一道填空题已知数列{an}是公差不为0的等差数列,a1=1,若a1,a2,a5成等比数列,则an= 高中数学必修1【集合】的一道数学题!集合A1,A2满足A1∪A2=A,则称(A1,A2)为集合A的一种分析,并规定;当A1=A2时,(A1,A2)与(A2,A1)为集合A的同一种分析,则集合A={a,b,c}的不同分析种数为多少? 一道关于数列的题已知{an}为等比数列,a2,(a3)+1,a4成等差数列,求通项公式a1=2 一道数列的数学题 .求解数列{an}和{bn}的各项由下列关系式确定,Bk=(1/k)*(lga1+lga2+lga3+…+lgak),k=1,2,…,n(n>=3) (1)若数列{an}室等比数列,求证{bn}是等差数列(2)若a1不等于a2,且常数F满足bk=Flgak(k=1,2,...,n) 一道高中数列题 a1=1/2,an=a1+a2/2+a3/3+……+an-1/n-1(n>=2),则a2012=? 一道数列题,已知a1=1,an+1=2an+2·3^n,写出a1,a2,a3,a4 一道数列的题等差数列an中,公差d=1/2,且a1+a3+a5+.+a99=60,则a1+a2+a3+...+a100=? 一道很难的数列题!数列{an}中,a1=1,a2=6,an+2=an+1-an,求a2008 能再问您一道吗?在数列an中,a1=3,a2=6,a(n+2)=a(n+1)-an,则数列第五项 一道数列求和已知a1 = a ,a2 = b (a,b 为常数)并且a3 = a1 + a2 ,a4 = a2 + a3 ,...an = a(n-1)+ a(n-2)求an 的表达式 一道数学题、、数列{an}:a1=4,an=3an-1+2n-1,n≥2求an. 已知数列an中 a1=1a2=2 数学题一道,数列