Aggression is fighting instinct in beast野兽 and man,which is directed有指导的;有管理的 against members of the same species.It is theorized创建理论 that in natural conditions aggression helps to ensure survival幸存 of individuals个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:36:34

Aggression is fighting instinct in beast野兽 and man,which is directed有指导的;有管理的 against members of the same species.It is theorized创建理论 that in natural conditions aggression helps to ensure survival幸存 of individuals个
Aggression is fighting instinct in beast野兽 and man,which is directed有指导的;有管理的 against members of the same species.It is theorized创建理论 that in natural conditions aggression helps to ensure survival幸存 of individuals个人的 (and thus因此 the species).by preventing too dense密集的 a population from developing发展中的 and exhausting使耗尽的 all of its food sources根源.Fighting is generally一般地 considered to be a trait特点 characteristic特有的 of males男性的 and uncharacteristic不典型的 of females女性的.however,many but not all female mammals哺乳动物 exhibit aggression during the postpartum产后的 period时期 in defense of their young.
The great animal behaviorist行动主义者 Konrad Lorenz observed观察;研究 that in every
individual the readiness准备就绪;愿意 to fight is greatest in thae most familiar place:in
the middle of its territory领土.As the distance距离 from territory increases,readiness to
fight decreases减少 proportionately成比例地,相称地.this was not the case with my pet rat大
老鼠;he was ready and willing to beat up搅拌 his neighbors the minute he stepped举步,行走
through their door.what causes some rats to be more aggressive than others?there is
certainly evidence that aggression证据 has a genetic遗传的 basis,at least in some animals.

Aggression is fighting instinct in beast野兽 and man,which is directed有指导的;有管理的 against members of the same species.It is theorized创建理论 that in natural conditions aggression helps to ensure survival幸存 of individuals个
Aggression 是暴力的行为,这里指攻击.
然而,many but not all (这里指大多数)雌性哺乳动物在产后会为了下一代而反抗(exhibit aggression - 体现攻击)可以忽略
伟大的动物行为学家Konrad Lorenz (人名)发现,每一个动物最常打斗的地方都是大同小异.在自己的领地上.(in the middle -正中央)
随着离自己领地的距离增加,打斗的意愿逐渐变小,由于周围越来多的陌生和可怕.(intimidating - 有威胁的)
tricki woo (一只老鼠的名字) 却与众不同.他早就准备好了 而且 一进门马上就开打.
至少对某些动物来说.相对而言,它们就属于更具有攻击性的品种.(some strains = 某些品种)

Do you think aggression is a bad thing?why or why not?what do you thank we can do to make use of aggression? approval-of-aggression 托福 Sentence Simplification questionFor example,people who believe that aggression is necessary and justified-as during wartime-are likely to act aggressively,whereas people who believe that a particular war or act of aggression is unjust,or who t Aggression is fighting instinct in beast野兽 and man,which is directed有指导的;有管理的 against members of the same species.It is theorized创建理论 that in natural conditions aggression helps to ensure survival幸存 of individuals个 请问一道托福阅读题但是为啥A不对呢?…Numerous theories are based on the idea that aggression is an inherent and natural human instinct.Aggression have been explained as an instinct that is directed externally toward others in a proce 英语翻译Oursense of self is so important that we typically resist anyone or anything thatchallenges it; even responding with aggression,if the threat to the self is deemed greatenough 英语翻译Oursense of self is so important that we typically resist anyone or anything thatchallenges it; even responding with aggression,if the threat to the self is deemed greatenough 英语翻译Gonna watch the NFL Conference Championship games on Sunday?You’ll see evidence for a new finding:aggression is rewarding.In what scientists from Vanderbilt University say is the first study of its kind.They report that aggressive behav 英语翻译Many philosophers agree that the verbal aggression of profanity in certain redical newspapers is not trivial or childish,but an assault on decorum essential to the revolutionarys purpose. 英语口语:Do you think aggression is a bad thing?Why or not?What we can do to make use of it?急用!请大家施以援手,(文章长度大约在90秒)我要的是一篇正文, 英语翻译There exist mixed reports as to the degree of intraspecific aggression displayed by this species when maintained in captive groups.While some experiences appear to suggest it is belligerent and territorial others describe a relatively pla 英语翻译theproblem is that Adderall and many other drugs for treating the symptoms of ADHD(e.g.,Ritalin,Concerta,Vyvanse) are amphetamine such,they arehabit forming,can cause agitation/anxiety,hostility,and aggression,as wellas negative 英语翻译Hydraulic drives – behaviour is motivatedby the two basic instinctual drives,the sex drive from Eros the life instinct,and the aggression drive from Thanatos the death instinct.The drives createpsychic energy which will build up (like s 英语翻译lene marlin的a place nearbyi enter the roomsat by you bed all through the nighti watched your daily fighti hardly knewthe painwas almost more than i could bearand still i hearyour last words to mequot;heaven is a place nearbyso i won't b 英语翻译I enter the room sat by you bed all through the nightI watched your daily fightI hardly knewThe pain was almost more than I could bearand still I hearyour last words to meHeaven is a place nearby so I won't be so far awayand if you try a 英语翻译Hold me now,cause i couldn't even if i triedits over now,guess it really is my timei don't want to go,but its time i've got to say goodbye,so hold me now,cause this will be our last time.i'm slowing down,i don't think i could fighti know 英语翻译i listen through the darknessand i know that i’m not aloneand i feel you all around mebut every time i callall i hear is my own echoyour silence says it alli’m restless but i will not fighti’ll ohlet goit’s in your handsit’s in 英语翻译I enter the room sat by you bed all through the nightI watched your daily fightI hardly knewThe pain was almost more than I could bearand still I hearyour last words to meHeaven is a place nearby so I won't be so far awayand if you try a