get from A to B 有这种说法么?看到有人百度知道这么写,觉得很不通顺啊.到底是 从A到B处,还是 从B处 到A处,这说法成立么.2 你从家步行到学校需要多长时间?我可以这么翻译么1 How long does it take

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:15:58

get from A to B 有这种说法么?看到有人百度知道这么写,觉得很不通顺啊.到底是 从A到B处,还是 从B处 到A处,这说法成立么.2 你从家步行到学校需要多长时间?我可以这么翻译么1 How long does it take
get from A to B 有这种说法么?
到底是 从A到B处,还是 从B处 到A处,
2 你从家步行到学校需要多长时间?
1 How long does it take you to walk from home to school
2 How long does it take you from home to school on foot
我这两个写法 行么。

get from A to B 有这种说法么?看到有人百度知道这么写,觉得很不通顺啊.到底是 从A到B处,还是 从B处 到A处,这说法成立么.2 你从家步行到学校需要多长时间?我可以这么翻译么1 How long does it take
from home 从家
to school 到学校

get me from a to b How does David get _______San Francisco _______Beijing?Do you know?A.from;to;from;to D.from;from i'm very glad to (get to get a letter from )you 括号内的同义词 A.write to B.write a letter toC.hear from D.hear What's the quickest way to get to Shanghai________Beijing? get from A to B 有这种说法么?看到有人百度知道这么写,觉得很不通顺啊.到底是 从A到B处,还是 从B处 到A处,这说法成立么.2 你从家步行到学校需要多长时间?我可以这么翻译么1 How long does it take she also ------a baby dog from da-ming四个选项 A gets B get C to get D getting He is bank clerk.people( )their money to him or ( )their money from him.A.get,give B.get,get C.give,get D.give,give You were luncy to --from the dangerous fire.A.stop B.leave C.escape D.get different这种形式有没有? I m very glad to get a letter from you.句子中词组有哪些, How did you get home _ school? B.How did you get home _ school? B.from Q for 英语听力中有一道题看不懂.A:Tom said he could get your club some tickets to the game if you're interested.B:If we are interested?Look,Susan.We've been trying to get tickets everywhere.Q:Where can the man get the tickets?[A]From Tom [B]From how long does it___ to go from beijing to tianjing by traiin?A stay B take C get D have get out of与get out from有什么区别?或者说,根本就没有get out from这个词语? she will get a divorce from her husband unless______.A.telling not to be told to notC.told to notD.told not to. from A via B to The first two students _____ to school will get some presents A get B to get C getting D got请说一下原因 What a busy road!It took me one hour to get ( ) the trafficA.from B.through C.out D.across