有些句子没明白 英译汉小说里有几句没懂1.This window was so narrow a space you would swear no fullgrown man but rather a lithe ,sinewy snake had made its way through the opening ,to vanish in the wood lot beyond.其中lot beyond咋译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:35:46

有些句子没明白 英译汉小说里有几句没懂1.This window was so narrow a space you would swear no fullgrown man but rather a lithe ,sinewy snake had made its way through the opening ,to vanish in the wood lot beyond.其中lot beyond咋译
有些句子没明白 英译汉
1.This window was so narrow a space you would swear no fullgrown man but rather a lithe ,sinewy snake had made its way through the opening ,to vanish in the wood lot beyond.
其中lot beyond咋译好
2.The shotgun sawed off to assure a wide lethal spread of buckshot up close.
up close 是不是就是表达的close的意思,指接近
3.Where flame walks upright gliding swiftly along the Earth as a shadow no ordinary men dare TOUCH.
4.If ever he saw this enemy again,out of INVISIBILITY he would strike,to kill.这句out of作何解释,表原因?还是表出处?

有些句子没明白 英译汉小说里有几句没懂1.This window was so narrow a space you would swear no fullgrown man but rather a lithe ,sinewy snake had made its way through the opening ,to vanish in the wood lot beyond.其中lot beyond咋译
1.the wood lot是一个词,指树林.beyond是修饰the wood lot的.译为:远处的树林.
2.up close的程度比close更近.up作副词修饰形容词,表明程度很深.
4.out of 一般表示原因,译为出于...但这个句子有些莫名.不好意思,不知道上下文,觉得很难理解.

1,wood lot是固定短语,小块木林的意思
2,up close一般用于指近距离(接触),比close的程度还要近.
4,out of invisibility其实引申为无处隐藏,那个敌人是隐藏不了的


1.the wood lot是一个词,指树林.beyond是修饰the wood lot的.译为:远处的树林.
2.up close的程度比close更近.up作副词修饰形容词,表明程度很深.
4.out of ...


1.the wood lot是一个词,指树林.beyond是修饰the wood lot的.译为:远处的树林.
2.up close的程度比close更近.up作副词修饰形容词,表明程度很深.
4.out of 一般表示原因,译为出于...这里指除非...


有些句子没明白 英译汉小说里有几句没懂1.This window was so narrow a space you would swear no fullgrown man but rather a lithe ,sinewy snake had made its way through the opening ,to vanish in the wood lot beyond.其中lot beyond咋译 小说告诉我们——,小说让我明白了——.在横线上填上恰当的句子. 小说里有两句子没明白 英译汉1.Yet she would pray for him.Like the others,too,she saw in his face a promise of goodness.She may have believed as certain of the others believed that he was simple of mind as of heart&harmless.Though guessing 大家听过貔貅没 谁知道介绍下 有些小说老写到这动物 读中外的许多名著小说时,有些句子,单词下面标有黑点, 大家有没有些有含义的英语句子... 求句子优美的小说.什么类型的都可以,长篇最好.因为有些时候我会摘抄一些. 怎么把一般疑问句改成宾语从句?我上课有些没听明白,请回答者认真讲解,并列几个例子. 妈妈说,有些事情真的不要说得那么明白,不然就没意义,但是不说明白会失去很多? 最小说经典句子 关于描写恋人很久没见再次相见的句子最后可以用于小说中的那种句子 我没听明白 还是没听明白。 一直没弄明白, 简介请问有谁知道关于小说《嘉莉妹妹》的详细简介,就是把没看过这本书的人讲得明白的. 为什么有些句子it 和worthwhile之间没加be动词 考题1的答案解析没看明白 描写蔷薇的句子如题 希望越多越好 抱歉 可能是我没说清楚 我不要小说里的句子 就是最真实的描写蔷薇的句子