
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:00:12


Although/albeit an astronomical number of people who maintain this viewpoint that 题目观点,claim that 理由,I am convinced that 个人观点.
Initially,one issue which makes me support/ oppose this is that…
An additional factor involves this recognition that… (同位)
An equally essential factor which deserves people’s attention is that…
Judging from all the evidence offered above,we can arrive at this conclusion that…With joint the efforts of both… and …,the prospect of bringing this gap is far from dim.
Some who hold this idea that … claim that … Although/albeit I concede that …(30%),…(70%) because of … and …
Initially,one issue which makes me support/ oppose this is that…
An additional factor involves this recognition that… genre (同位)
Conclusively,…(70%) unless …(30%) With joint the efforts of both… and …,the prospect of bringing this gap is far from dim.
… is an issue which has generated a fierce debate,with proponents claiming that …,whilst opponents maintaining that … Since there are strong arguments for either option,the final decision should depend on the full analysis of these two choice.
For the people who lend the support to this practice,… Moreover,… An additional factor involves this recognition that …换线部分为语言的规律性衔接.
For the people oppose such an experience,… In addition,… To back up their opinion,it could be relevant to include another cause that …(驳论的使用位置,驳论的是支持者的第三个理由/原因)
Conclusively,it is very likely that people will never come to the same conclusion on this controversial issue due to their difference experiences and confliction values,and public awareness of the various dimensions of this issue will certainly contribute to a thorough understanding of this problem.
Conclusively,it is very likely that people due to their difference experiences and conflicting values will never come to the same conclusion on this controversial issue,and public awareness of the various dimensions of this issue will certainly contribute to a thorough understanding of this problem.色彩部分替换.

帮我归纳几种写作的句型~用于托福啊雅思这类的比较好的开头啊结尾啊还有可以用的句型啊 前辈们,我打算考托福,可是买错了书.买成2本雅思的写作和口语.请问雅思和托福的学习书可以换着用吗?雅思的写作与口语与托福的写作和口语,除了发音一个是美式,一个是英式,他们的句型什 雅思托福都考过的进.我托福写作是满分,请问雅思写作该怎么准备?两者有什么差别要特别注意? 雅思词以类记和托福词以类记的分类是一样吗?我考托福,买成雅思的,买错了.如果我再去买本托福普通的词汇书,然后按照雅思这本词以类记的分类自己归纳托福的可不可以?同时还可以了解和 雅思写作句型谁能给一些雅思写作常用句型啊 有没有关于雅思写作同义词的归纳总结? 谁有雅思口语句型,能给我一些吗?我 的写作太差. 谁可以帮我归纳初三上学期的英语语法和句型啊.是新课标的版本.句型就是像 :make sb to do sth 这类的、OK? 托福口语和写作我能拿到40分吗?我的雅思写作口语都是5.5..托福裸考这两项能多少分 雅思写作感觉太难了,哪里有实用的短语句型啊, 托福雅思答案就这怎么点事?要解决这些问题,可以将托福写作分为两步,下面顺利达小编为大家讲解.我终于知道了,#手机企鹅# 会让你多注意细节,帮你虏获成功的. 【174、4244# 请大家帮我看看雅思复议成功率吧~听力8.5 阅读7.5 写作6.5 口语6 当时写作的时候 觉得写得还行啊 也用了很多高端词汇和句型 考口语的时候和考官聊的很不错啊 一直很流畅来着,请问大家有 我的托福写作和口语到底怎么练习啊 可以帮我发一个十天突破雅思写作吗我的QQ是39008620 雅思跟托福真的是雅思比较容易吗?能不能具体讲讲怎么不同?如果我学完托福,想去考考雅思,这会有用吗?换种说法,假设有人想试试,学完雅思去考托福 和 学完托福去考雅思,哪个比较有利? 我想知道关于雅思写作方面,如果我句型写的负责一些,长一些会不会得到分数也会高一些? 托福与雅思托福和雅思都考些什么?它们的要求相当于大学英语几级? 帮我改一篇托福综合写作吧(TPO22)