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Brief Biography
Johann Sebastian Bach
(b.Eisenach,1685; d.Leipzig,1750)
Born into a musical family,Bach received his earliest instruction from his father.After his father's death in 1695,Bach moved to Ohrdruf,where he lived and studied organ with his older brother Johann Christoph.He also received an education at schools in Eisenach,Ohrdruf,and Lüneburg.Bach's first permanent positions were as organist in Arnstadt (1703-1707) and Mühlhausen (1707-1708).During these years,he performed,composed taught,and developed an interest in organ building.From 1708-1717 he was employed by Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Weimar,first as court organist,and after 1714,as concertmaster.During this period,he composed many of his best organ compositions; in his capacity as concertmaster,he was also expected to produce a cantata each month.In Weimar,Bach's style was influenced by his study of numerous Italian compositions (especially Vivaldi concertos).
Bach's next position,as Music Director for the Prince Leopold of Cüthen (1717-1723),involved entirely different activities.Since the court chapel was Calvinist,there was no need for church compositions; Bach probably used the Cüthen organs only for teaching and practice.His new works were primarily for instrumental solo or ensemble,to be used as court entertainment or for instruction.Among the important compositions at Cüthen were the Brandenburg Concertos,the first volume of Das wohltemperirte Clavier (The Well-Tempered Clavier),the "French" and "English" Suites for harpsichord (although the "English" Suites may be from the Weimar period),and most of the sonatas and suites for other instruments.Bach also composed a few cantatas for special occasions (birthdays and New Years).
In 1723,Bach was appointed cantor at the St.Thomas Church and School,and Director of Music for Leipzig,positions which he retained for the rest of his career.His official duties included the reponsibility of overseeing the music in the four principal churches of the city,and organizing other musical events sponsored by the municipal council.For these performances,he used pupils from the St.Thomas School,the city's professional musicians,and university students.Bach divided his singers into four choirs (one for each of the four main churches); he personally conducted the first choir,which sang on alternate Sundays at St.Thomas and St.Nicholas.His usual performing group consisted of around sixteen singers and eighteen instrumentalists,although these numbers could be augmented for special occasions.During his first six years in Leipzig (1723-1729),Bach's most impressive compositions were his sacred cantatas (four yearly cycles),and the St.John and St.Matthew Passions.Bach apparently gave virtuoso organ recitals in Leipzig and on various tours,although he had no official position as organist in Leipzig.
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EISENACH: 1685-1695
Johann Sebastian Bach was born on March 21st l685, the son of Johann Ambrosius, court trumpeter for the Duke of Eisenach and director of the musicians of the town of Eisenach ...


EISENACH: 1685-1695
Johann Sebastian Bach was born on March 21st l685, the son of Johann Ambrosius, court trumpeter for the Duke of Eisenach and director of the musicians of the town of Eisenach in Thuringia. For many years, members of the Bach family throughout Thuringia had held positions such as organists, town instrumentalists, or Cantors, and the family name enjoyed a wide reputation for musical talent.
The family at Eisenach lived in a reasonably spacious home just above the town center, with rooms for apprentice musicians, and a large grain store. (The pleasant and informative "Bach Haus" Museum in Eisenach does not claim to be the original family home). Here young Johann Sebastian was taught by his father to play the violin and the harpsichord. He was also initiated into the art of organ playing by his famous uncle, Johann Christoph Bach, who was then organist at the Georgenkirche in Eisenach. Sebastian was a very willing pupil and soon became extraordinarily proficient with these instruments.
When he was eight years old he went to the old Latin Grammar School, where Martin Luther had once been a pupil; he was taught reading and writing, Latin grammar, and a great deal of scripture, both in Latin and German. The boys of the school formed the choir of the St. Georgenkirche, which gave Johann Sebastian an opportunity to sing in the regular services, as well as in the nearby villages. He was described as having 'an uncommonly fine treble voice'. The Lutheran spirit would have been strong in Eisenach, for it was in the Wartburg Castle standing high above the town, that Martin Luther, in hiding from his persecutors, translated the New Testament into German.
Roads were still unpaved in the smaller towns, sewage and refuse disposal poorly organized, and the existence of germs not yet scientifically discovered. Mortality rates were high as a result. At an early age Johann Sebastian lost a sister and later a brother. When he was only nine years old his mother died. Barely nine months later his father also died.
Johann Sebastian and one of his brothers, Johann Jakob, were taken into the home of their eldest brother, Johann Christoph (born l671) who had recently married and settled down at Ohrdruf, a small town thirty miles south-east of Eisenach. Johann Christoph, a former pupil of Pachelbel, was now well established as organist of the St. Michaeliskirche, Ohrdruf.
