
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 06:18:36


The ethical conflicts of social life not only in the conflict between the interests of the individual and society as a whole specification,and more is when people in the face of a variety of social norms,the uncertain of the confusion and dilemma.The conflict first embodied in the conflict between different cultures.Due to historical and religious reasons,such as people of different regions,different religious beliefs,in the long-term social life formed their own different customs and cultural psychology,thus formed the different ethical code of ethics.The two different cultures meet,can produce the corresponding collision and conflict,conflict of many events or international debate is usually caused by cultural differences in ethical.Polygamy,for example,in the Arab region is legitimate,and in Britain and the United States and China are not allowed by moral and law.Modern European explorers have found the north American continent tribal people kill their elderly parents to close their eyes,to reduce the pain of the old man,and this is our most of the civilized society in which people can't stand.As another example,in the Christian culture,life is sacred,no matter for any purpose and reason for abortion is equal to murder,is not allowed.Euthanasia is the same.While secular morality from the standpoint of the people who are pregnant,or for some utilitarian purpose,allow abortion under a certain condition.In addition,due to its life identification with dignity and respect for the independent right of the people,also allows euthanasia under certain conditions.Thus,under the different cultural background,social ethics is not the same,even is very different.
Even within the same culture,also can appear in various areas and in the industry between ethics and social whole ethics inconsistent even diverge,embody the ethical and moral norms of multilayered and the particularity of the applicable scope.Such as the news media reporters should be loyal to the fact that accurate and timely report the truth,at the same time to consider the interests of some people when necessary and feelings,or to keep state secrets and conceal the truth of the matter.Scientists work ethic is the science and innovation,but in the face of some moral area,such as clone and ivf scientific experiments,scientists should what first?The doctor to save the patient as the highest aim of life,but in the face of agony,patients were dead,the implementation of euthanasia?These are all different professions moral conflict.
Within the same culture,due to historical and social conditions change,causes the original ethics applicable to specific social environment change,the traditional social ethics can not effectively regulate or adjust the present people's interests and behavior,can also lead to the contradiction between the tradition and the present people's ethics and conflict.For example,in the traditional family kinship based society,the "three cardinal guides","acquisition" is not only adjust the code of ethics of relationship between family members,but also the society as a whole to adjust benefit and the moral relations between different interest groups and class code of ethics.As on the basis of family blood relationship of social disintegration,in the new society dominated by individual citizens,the equal relationship between citizens,citizen and the legal relationships between countries,replaced the traditional service relationship,regulating the relationship between ethics and moral concept will change accordingly.In traditional society of "filial piety" requirements "parents,not to travel",and the frequent flow of population in modern society,makes even filial sons and daughters,is impossible to keep in his parents always humbly.Traditional so-called "husband for his wife","the father to son," it is lost on the social basis.If under the new conditions,the parties also want to in the traditional specification to demands of each other's behavior,will inevitably produce conflict,showing its inadaptability.
With the progress of science and technology,and the change of the social changes happening in the emergence of a large number of new situations and new problems,already made a clear single ethics seem to be caught off guard,unable to effectively regulate and guide our social life and behavior,and is likely to impact and fundamentally overturn our existing ethics and moral philosophy.For example,with the constant progress of science and technology,the rapid development of medical technology,the emergence of the test-tube baby,of human organ transplantation,and the emergence of the problem of "human cloning",not only for human chaos existing ethical relationship and ethical ideas,and understanding the definition of "people" and will bring fundamental change.The development of information technology and traditional way of communication and ethics to people with great impact.How to respond to and deal with the sudden ethical change and conflict,has become the current ethics and medical and scientific community,and even the society as a whole to solve the problem.