用英文介绍世园会 急用!汉英对照的

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用英文介绍世园会 急用!汉英对照的
用英文介绍世园会 急用!

用英文介绍世园会 急用!汉英对照的
自1851年第一届世园会在英国伦敦举办以来,在其后的150多年间,几乎每隔一两年就有一届世园会举行,至今累计已举行了50多届,影响深远. 许多届世园会因其独特的建筑而被人们记住.这些建筑或拔地而起,或开放铺陈,其恢宏壮观无不令世人叹为观止.它们既是世园会主题的象征,同时又成为世园会物化了的永久纪念.法国的埃菲尔铁塔就是典型的一例.1889年,巴黎为世园会建立了主题塔——埃菲尔铁塔.日后,埃菲尔铁塔便成为了法国的永久象征.而我们的中国“99昆明世界园艺博览会”同样为我们留下了物化的永久纪念——昆明世博园.
100多年来,众多国家争办世园会,其具体原因归结于五 点:其一,主办国可以把自己的产品和技术推向国际市场,发展国际贸易和技术合作;其二,主办国可以扩大国际交往,提高自己的国际地位;其三,主办国就此机会开阔眼界,学习各国先进科学技术;其四,主办世园会将带动和促进该城城市建设;最后,主办国可获得较好的经济效益.为此,改革开放的中国抓住这个契机,在世纪之交的1999年成功地举办了一次大规模的世界园艺博览盛会.
四大主题建筑:百合塔 玫瑰园 综合馆 凤之翼
三大特色景观:人工景观 自然生态景观 滨水湿地景观
23个国际展园:韩国园 朝鲜园 日本园 印度园 德国园 希腊园 法国园 泰国园 缅甸园 尼泊尔园 俄罗斯园加拿大园 马来西亚园 新加坡园 巴基斯坦园 土耳其园 玻利维亚园 肯尼亚园澳大利亚园 美国(百合)园 意利大(台地)园 荷兰(宿根花卉)园 英国(整形植物)园
53个国内展园:北京园 天津园 青岛园 济南园 石家庄园 太原园 郑州园 南京园 上海园 杭州园 宁波园长沙园 武汉园 合肥园 南昌园 广州园 深圳园 珠海园 厦门园 福州园 南宁园 温州园 成都园 西安园 贵阳园 银川园 呼和浩特园 香港园 澳门园 台湾园 海口园重庆园 昆明园 西宁园 拉萨园 兰州园 乌鲁木齐园 满族风情园 鞍山园 本溪园营口园 葫芦岛园 朝阳园 铁岭园 哈尔滨园 长春园 大连园 启运园 锦州园 丹东园盘锦园 辽阳园 阜新园
24个专类展园:樱花园 鸢尾园 观果园 丁香园 木兰园 药草园 杜娟园 彩叶园 松杉园 科普园 玫瑰园盆景园 环保园 牡丹芍药园 观赏石园 阴生植物园 草坪植物园 水生植物园 岩生植物区辽宁农艺园 树木标本园 青少年生态文化园 东北珍稀植物(人参)园
China and meeting in a life time park
A life time park will be a global science technique achievement exhibition activity that is entrusted department concerned by the host nation government organization or the government to contract for job, is a history is long also compare to influence greatly of trade sex exposition not.Its aim is to promote international community economic,the culture,science technical exchanges and development, making each one join the exhibition a nation can make use of this opportunity publicity an oneself, to whole world demonstration oneself at each construction obtain by realm achieve, extend international association, raise that garden area harmony to hope.So, a life time park will be been the "Olympic" grand occasion of the world economy and science technique field by the 誉 .
Since 1851 first batch a life time park will hold in London in England, at afterward of more than 150 year, almost every 12 years there is a life time park will hold, up to now the total amount has already held more than 50s, influence profound. Many life time parks will be remember by people because of its special building.These building or rise straight from the ground, or open to spread Chen, its generous grand view all sighs the people of this world for the view.They since is the symbol of[with] the meeting topic in a life time park, become a life time park again in the meantime would the thing turn of the permanence is memorial.The 埃菲 the 尔 iron pagoda of France are an example of the typical models.In 1889, Paris will build up topic tower-埃菲尔 iron pagoda for a life time park.In the days to come, the 埃菲尔 iron pagoda became the permanent symbol of Frances then.But"99 half-hardy expositions in world in Kunming"s same in our China left a thing to turn for us of the permanence is memorial-Kunming a life time 博 park.
More than 100 in the last yearses, numerous nations contend for doing meeting in a life time park, its concrete reason returns knot at 5:00:It a, the host nation can push own product and the technique toward international market, the development international trade and technique cooperate;It two, the host nation can extend international association, raising an own international position;It three, the host nation is an opportunity now spacious range of experience, advanced science technique in the study all countries;It four, sponsor meeting in a life time park will arouse and promote that city city construction;End, the host nation can acquire a better economic performance.For this, China that reforms to open holds tight this chance, it hands over in century of held a large-scale world horticulture to read extensively grand occasion successfully in 1999.
With CHEN2 YANG2 SHI4 City spends the iron flower that the rose,the Earth,tool machine revolves to splash for chemical element, free person's form, the expression ecosystem,vitality and 腾 fly of concept, the implied meaning wears person and nature of harmonious of beautiful,CHEN2 YANG2 remit to melt mutually with world mutually.
The magpie is a Chinese nation the bird of the traditional good luck,pleased luck.Magpie inside the botanical garden became a cluster today be CHEN2 YANG2 the clear certificate of the good nature, the image of the mascot has the reliability,nature and native first.The small magpie in the diagram launches a pair of wings, emerging CHEN2 YANG2 well of close with,the enthusiasm and elegant appearance, express to make"CHEN2 YANG2 SHI4's park would" and today bring the carriage of people in whole country,whole world new CHEN2 YANG2's various prosperous matters with pleased spirit together.
Four greatest topic building:The wing of the bulb of lily tower comprehensive building 凤 in the rose park
Three greatest special features view:The artificial view natural ecosystem view strand water is a view wetly
23 international exhibition parks:The Korean park is idea benefit in park in Canadian park, Malaysia park Singapore park Pakistan park Turkey park Bolivia park Kenya park Australia park the United States(bulb of lily) in Russian park in Nepalese park in Burma park in Thai park in French park in German park, Greece park in Japanese park, India park in park park in the park England(the orthopedics plant), big(mesa) park Holland(the 宿 root flower) North Korea
53 local exhibition parks:Peking park Tienjin park Qingdao park 济 south park stone house manor too original park ZHENG4 ZHOU YUAN2 Nanking park Shanghai park Hangzhou park rather wave director of a kindergarten sand park the Wuhan park match south 昌 of fatty park the Guangzhou park Shenzhen park bead sea park Xiamen park Fuzhou park south of park rather a park WEN ZHOU YUAN2 to become all a park a Xian park expensive sun park the silver 川 the park shout with 浩 especially the park Hong Kong the park Macau park the Taiwanese park seaport, park is heavy to celebrate the park west of the park Kunming rather the park pull the 萨 park the 兰 state the park Urumqi a park full clan romantic feeling the park saddle the mountain park originally river park camp park bottle gourd island park dynasty sun park iron 岭 park Harbin the park is long spring park Dalian park 启 luck park 锦 state park 丹 east park dish 锦 park 辽 sun park the 阜 is new park
24 particularly type exhibition park:Section 普 park rose park flower arrangement park environmental protection park peony 芍 in loose 杉 park in colourful leaf's park in fleur-de-lis park view orchard lilac park wood 兰 park medicine grass park 杜娟 park in the cherry garden medicine park appreciates 阴 in the stone park to living the botanical garden lawn the botanical garden hydrophyte the park rock plant the tree specimen in the agriculture park in the area Liaoning teenager in park the ecosystem cultural the park northeast a rare plant(ginseng) park

用英文介绍世园会 急用!汉英对照的 英语翻译给个英文版的汉译英的 最好有汉英对照 西安名胜古迹的英文名多多益善,汉英对照 求塞万提斯的英文介绍,字数尽量多,急用,最好中英文对照 健康食品(英文介绍)做手抄报!~!最好是那种文章!一段一段的那种,要做手抄报用!只要是有关于食品的文章都可以!急用!不是汉英对炤的这种.是文章. 法国英语介绍用英语介绍法国的香水 服装等等最好有中文对照 急用 关于商业银行信用风险管理的英文文章 两篇翻译成中文三千字左右的,汉英文对照的 观音菩萨的英文介绍,急用! 介绍牛顿,英文对照汉语 奥运项目介绍(英文)要英汉对照的! 英文奥运项目介绍要英文的奥运项目介绍,按开头字母排,英汉对照, 比较好的汉英词典哪位能给介绍本汉英词典啊,比如考翻译证2级用的比较合适的拿着的? 用英文介绍北京,要带汉语的,急用! 谁要英语作文汉英对照?求~~我想提高我的英语作文~想背一些文章,不要太多~~只要一些有英文对照的作文即可我是高中生~~类型不限啦~~谢谢! 求一篇介绍林俊杰的英文文章关于介绍JJ林俊杰的文章,英文的...演讲要用.大概300-400词左右,最好是中英文对照的.如果是中英文对照的.会追+分. 哈密瓜的英文介绍尝试介绍一下,要有中文对照谢谢! 公用标志的英文介绍 急用! 绿色食品的英文介绍急用!green food!