were are they?为什么不是were are them?不是动词后面要用宾格的嘛?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 17:58:18

were are they?为什么不是were are them?不是动词后面要用宾格的嘛?
were are they?为什么不是were are them?不是动词后面要用宾格的嘛?

were are they?为什么不是were are them?不是动词后面要用宾格的嘛?
were 这个词中间少了一个 h,应该是 Where:
Where are they?这是个问句,意思是“他们在哪儿?”
where 是疑问词,如果谓语是 be(am/is/are),句子要倒装,主语放到谓语的后面.
所以这个句子里的 they 不能用宾格 them.

因为they做的是主语,而them只能做宾语,该句子是个问句,正常语序应该是they are were

你这个句子本身就有问题啊,were 和 are 怎么能连用呢?
要不就是were they 或者 are they

where are they= they are where

were are they?为什么不是were are them?不是动词后面要用宾格的嘛? THE TEACHER SAID THAT THEY WERE GOOD STUDENT,为什么WERE不是ARE呢,这不是一般现在陈述事实吗 Five-year-old children are too young to go to school,________?A.are they B.aren’t they C.were they D.have they 为什么不是B? It's not I,but you that ______the person they want to seeA are B am C were D was为什么,答案是A为什么不是B呢? people are not so honest as they once were.这里最后为什么加were Things here are same now as they were before为什么在are后面加the from the moment they are born为什么用are而不是were? 一、WHATEVER WHICHEVER 的区别?二、IF THINGS ARE LEFT ___ THEY WERE ,THE PROBLEM WILL NEVER BE S...一、WHATEVER WHICHEVER 的区别?二、IF THINGS ARE LEFT ___ THEY WERE ,THE PROBLEM WILL NEVER BE SETTLED.为什么划线处用AS不用WHERE/W both she and Sophia were pleased with the girl?为什么有were不是are? people are not so honest as they once were .They are ( )为什么不填fewer要填less they were enjoying their meal/meals?为什么不是meals?meal不是可数的吗? 为什么think they 的they不是them?I think they are scary. 44.Five days ______ not a long time for a man to visit Shanghai.A.is B.are C.were D.w ill be44.Five days ______ not a long time for a man to visit Shanghai.A.is B.are C.were D.w ill be为什么选A?不是复数么? That they were wrong in these matters (is/are)?now clear to us all.为什么啊 They are going to some cleaning now.中的They are going to和they are doing为什么填They are going to英语高手解答一下!不是, They were young.(用are改写) ( B )23.We had better ______ things as they _______.A.leave / were B.leave / are 为什么不是A?不是吧,意思应该是:我们最好让他们保持原样.我这么理解的.就是不明白后头用什么时态. 懂英语的请进,How long were they playing football yesterday?How long were they playing football yesterday?这里面的playing 是怎么用的?是什么词性,-ing不是现在进行时吗?为什么are已经变成were了,后面play还要用playing