a creative dead endwikipedia在介绍毛姆时,有一句是Many readers and some critics have assumed that the years Maugham spent studying medicine was a creative dead end,but Maugham himself felt quite the contrary.What is a creative dead end?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:38:43

a creative dead endwikipedia在介绍毛姆时,有一句是Many readers and some critics have assumed that the years Maugham spent studying medicine was a creative dead end,but Maugham himself felt quite the contrary.What is a creative dead end?
a creative dead end
Many readers and some critics have assumed that the years Maugham spent studying medicine was a creative dead end,but Maugham himself felt quite the contrary.
What is a creative dead end?

a creative dead endwikipedia在介绍毛姆时,有一句是Many readers and some critics have assumed that the years Maugham spent studying medicine was a creative dead end,but Maugham himself felt quite the contrary.What is a creative dead end?
这是种调侃的说法,dead end是死路一条、此路不通的意思,creative有创意的,意为浪费时间,而毛姆本人不认同,其实也是,艺不压身嘛,多学习总归不是坏事.

这里是说毛姆居然能想出来去学医这招,这简直是根本行不通的事情。这里的creative是指异想天开,dead end 死胡同。


这里是说毛姆居然能想出来去学医这招,这简直是根本行不通的事情。这里的creative是指异想天开,dead end 死胡同。
