关于赌博的He rounds the far turn three back from the lead,but he's closing in fast.The horses thunder past you down the stretch,and Hootenanny wins by a nose!这句英文绝对正确,只是太难了,我也看不懂.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 02:01:42

关于赌博的He rounds the far turn three back from the lead,but he's closing in fast.The horses thunder past you down the stretch,and Hootenanny wins by a nose!这句英文绝对正确,只是太难了,我也看不懂.
He rounds the far turn three back from the lead,but he's closing in fast.The horses thunder past you down the stretch,and Hootenanny wins by a nose!

关于赌博的He rounds the far turn three back from the lead,but he's closing in fast.The horses thunder past you down the stretch,and Hootenanny wins by a nose!这句英文绝对正确,只是太难了,我也看不懂.

语句不通顺! 翻译结果:他两轮又远从三个领先,但他在快速关闭。马雷鸣过去,你的实力,并Hootenanny赢得了鼻子!

他3次远远落后于第一名骑手,但他一直快速紧跟不放。你耳边的马匹声如打雷一般贯穿整个比赛时间,最终 Hootenanny 以微弱优势赢得了此次比赛。
注释:down the stretch 贯穿整个比赛时间
turn back (使)往回走,翻起, 折转
close in 1 使关闭 2 白昼渐短 3 逼近, 迫近(尤指为了包围或进攻), 围拢 4 使(身体的某部...


他3次远远落后于第一名骑手,但他一直快速紧跟不放。你耳边的马匹声如打雷一般贯穿整个比赛时间,最终 Hootenanny 以微弱优势赢得了此次比赛。
注释:down the stretch 贯穿整个比赛时间
turn back (使)往回走,翻起, 折转
close in 1 使关闭 2 白昼渐短 3 逼近, 迫近(尤指为了包围或进攻), 围拢 4 使(身体的某部分)受伤
thunder past
by a nose
