
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:33:09

不一定要全部一样,意思相近就行,有些觉得多可以删掉,二百单词到三百单词都可以.今晚要>< 明天交功课的...英语水平实在写得不怎么样..请不要软件翻译..

That day, I went to school early and sat on the seat did some reading, suddenly, I heard a girl loudly crying: "really?" The students began to stir. I looked over there with curiousness.Some students were around the corner,and i fuzzily heared a boy talking about ghosts, zombies. Because I'm interest in things like these, I couldn't help to listen to him with others.The boy said with a low voice: "in our village there was an old house, when the evening came,a crying voice would be there,and I felt very terrible when I wnt across it." Another boy asked: "So what did you do then?" He said: "I went home straight,without a look" . I listened to the story with a cold feeling on my back. I may foget that in the datlight ,but most terrible thing happened after the night class.
That day, I went to school early and sat on the seat did some reading, suddenly, I heard a girl loudly crying: "really?" The students began to stir. I looked over there with curiousness.Some students were around the corner,and i fuzzily heared a boy talking about ghosts, zombies. Because I'm interest in things like these, I couldn't help to listen to him with others.The boy said with a low voice: "in our village there was an old house, when the evening came,a crying voice would be there,and I felt very terrible when I wnt across it." Another boy asked: "So what did you do then?" He said: "I went home straight,without a look" . I listened to the story with a cold feeling on my back. I may foget that in the datlight ,but most terrible thing happened after the night school.
After school,about 9'o clock ,I had to go home through a bamboo forest alone. And not far away from the road ,there was a wood. Suddenly, I heard somebody crying and winds blowing on bamboo leaves.Then I remembered the words my classmates said that day.Immediately I went home straightly in a hurry,without stopping.
I cried in front of my house,because my familly may spend some time to get down stairs to open the door for me ,it seemed like a few centuries passed.My family opened the door and saw me crying,so they asked me,"what happened?" I told them, they comforted me: "that was just the voice of cats, there is no ghosts in the world, don't be afraid!" Although noting happened after that, however, I dare not stay in the bamboo forest again ,and after night schlool,I began go back with my famillys' accompany.
That's really unforgettable, even now I write it down, I'm a little afraid.Maybe that's just a cat,or somewhat's crying,anything in the world, who knows?

英语翻译那天,我很早的就去到了学校,坐在座位上看书,突然,我听到一个女生大声说:“真的?”同学们就开始骚动起来.我好奇地望过去,同学们围在一个角落里,模糊听到一个男生在讲鬼怪,僵 我每天早上7点钟起床,7点20去吃早饭.7点30就到了教室,在学校学习从8点到晚上9点40,然后会寝室睡觉不要网上翻译的英语翻译 英语翻译我和女朋友是这样认识的,那是五年前的一天下午,我去学校图书馆看书,本来一年到头也不去图书馆几次的,那天突然心血来潮就拿了本书去看,那天是星期天,学校放假,图书馆里面人非 英语翻译我在旅行的途中累了,在我坐在一块大的石头上休息的时候手不小心摁到了一直蝎子,于是它用它的毒刺蜇到了我的手,它很快就跑掉了,.我当时真的没有看见石头上是有蝎子的,真的很 英语翻译再一次很大雨的晚上,我带着饥饿的肚子走到了便利店.在进门口的时候,我一不小心踩错了位置就摔下去了,那一次之后我再也不到楼下的便利店了. 用英语描述去学校的路线,我一出门是一条马路,走一会后往左拐,再向右转,走一会就到了. 英语翻译这里真不错啊,咱们就在这吃吧好吧,就要拌饭那就吃甜的吧留坐在这里吧,要些什么吗?我也是 “六一”儿童节那天,我迈着轻松的步伐和愉快的心情来到了学校.修改病句 为什么我的狗狗突然对着窗外叫?是能看到不干净的东西吗?我的泰迪“大福”突然对着窗外很生气的一直叫 ,就好像看到了什么似的,(是白天)叫一会就一直坐在那盯着窗外,一会又叫.据说狗 英语翻译你买到了倩碧吗?如果没有,那就不要买了,我有个哥哥最近去了加拿大旅游,他也可以帮我带倩碧,如果你买到了,你打算怎么给我呢? 英语翻译1既然大家都在这,那么我们一起讨论一下,然后做一个决定2只要我们不灰心,我们就会找出解决困难的办法来的.3无论有多远,今晚我都会开车去那的6,让我坐在前排的座位上,看的更清 英语翻译我看到了你在学校留言板上的留言这句话 怎么样学英语能像外国人一样听,说,读,写我有一个加拿大籍的中国朋友,他就小时候待在加拿大4年.那大护照后回国读小学.到了5年级转学,去了一所开在广州的美国是的学校,学历是可以被承认 我们去海南的那一天终于到了 the开头用英语翻译 下面那位(48855888)是我小号发的问题,还有办半小时就关了,加油!要不只有乱写去学校妥骂咯! 英语翻译6月1日我们学校去了郊游.首先我们乘坐大巴到了武警基地,在哪里我学到了很多知识.也看到了武警叔叔们非常精彩的演出.在午饭后,我们又来到了蒙山大佛.同学们在上山的路上说说 英语翻译说自己的“我还差得远呢”“我还不到火候”“我还没到那水准”反正意思到了就行 半晌,父亲才说:“你应该去寻找 那片残缺的青花,找到了也就得到我的配方了.”(改为第三人称转述句)