
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:12:00


Chizhou,my hometown,is situated in southeast China's Anhui province,flanked by the spectacular Yangtse River in the north and the magnificent Huangshan Mountain in the south.what's more,it is a provincial historic cicy on the south bank of Yangtse River and a dispensable part of provincial tourist sites known as "two mountains and one lake" (namely,Huangshan Mountain,Jiuhuashan Mountain and Taiping Lake).
Guichi is now changing with every passing day.The railway has been open to the public on Sep.1 this year,giving us great transportation convenience.Guichi boasts breath-taking scenic spots,such as Jiuhuashan Mountain,Pingtian Lake,Jiuzi Rock,Shengjing Lake,Qiupu River drift and the like.
This is the brief account of my hometown-Guichi.Welcome to Guichi!

This is the brief account of my hometown-Guichi. Welcome to Guichi!
Chizhou, my hometown, is situated in southeast China's Anhui province, flanked by the spectacular Yangtse River in the north an...


This is the brief account of my hometown-Guichi. Welcome to Guichi!
Chizhou, my hometown, is situated in southeast China's Anhui province, flanked by the spectacular Yangtse River in the north and the magnificent Huangshan Mountain in the south. what's more, it is a provincial historic cicy on the south bank of Yangtse River and a dispensable part of provincial tourist sites known as "two mountains and one lake" (namely, Huangshan Mountain, Jiuhuashan Mountain and Taiping Lake).
Guichi is now changing with every passing day. The railway has been open to the public on Sep. 1 this year, giving us great transportation convenience. Guichi boasts breath-taking scenic spots, such as Jiuhuashan Mountain, Pingtian Lake, Jiuzi Rock, Shengjing Lake, Qiupu River drift and the like.



英语翻译我的家乡池州市位于中国安徽省西南部,北临浩荡长江,南接雄奇黄山,是长江南岸重要的滨江港口城市和省级历史文化名城,也是安徽省两山一湖(黄山、九华山、太平湖)旅游区的 安徽省池州市东至县的房价能跌吗? 2013年安徽省池州市东至县的房价多少 安徽省池州市东至县水文地质情况怎样?具体位置是安徽省池州市东至县花园里乡的水文地质情况? 安徽省池州市东至县第三中学英文怎么翻译, 位于中国西南的5个省直辖市自治区 我的家乡在安徽省,这里的名人有哪些 新疆位于中国的哪个方位?新疆位于中国的东北、东南、西北、西南哪个方位 我的家乡是江西省,她位于中国的东南部,她东邻是什么省 一篇描写家乡美的作文,我的家乡在安徽省六安市 一篇描写家乡美的作文,我的家乡在安徽省铜陵市 安徽省池州市有学新概念英语的地方吗?具体是在哪呢,是不是毓秀门旁的小区里面啊 中国古代史试题 古代以少胜多的著名战役战场地理位置位于安徽省的是 英语翻译我的家乡位于海边,及时悠久,风景不错,经济发展迅速 英语翻译我的家乡在梅州五华县,我出生在广州,所以对梅州的家乡并不熟悉,我把广州认作自己的家乡了.我爱广州,它位于中国广东省的南部.是一个繁华的大都市,也是一个值得观光的旅游 英语翻译1.四川盆地位于中国西南,省会成都位于盆地中部.人口8000多万2.许多世界名著的风景名胜,如九寨沟(四川北部) 海子lake:(清澈见底;色彩斑斓) 都江堰水利工程(成都市区西面50 “上海位于中国的西部”用英语翻译 英语翻译1.台湾位于太平洋西岸 东临中国东海 西南靠中国南海 台湾海峡将其与福建省分离2.海峡两岸人民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望