请分析一下以下的英语句子1.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.2.our teachers believe that if we did that we would concetrate more on our clothes than our studies.3.only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:10:48

请分析一下以下的英语句子1.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.2.our teachers believe that if we did that we would concetrate more on our clothes than our studies.3.only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.
1.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.
2.our teachers believe that if we did that we would concetrate more on our clothes than our studies.
3.only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.

请分析一下以下的英语句子1.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.2.our teachers believe that if we did that we would concetrate more on our clothes than our studies.3.only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.
1.I 是主语,go是谓语,to sleep是宾语,with my bedroom light on是宾语补足语.意为:我去睡觉时,我卧室的灯亮着.
2.our teachers是主语,believe是谓语,that做连接词,引导谓语从句,if we did that做谓语从句,后半句we是主语,would是情态动词,concetrate是谓语,more on our clothes than our studies是宾语.意为:我们的老师们相信如果我们这么做,我们将集中更多在我们的衣服,而不是学习上.
3.only then放句首,整个句子做成倒装句,把will提前,i为主语,have为谓语,a chance of achieving my dream为宾语,
ps:第二句是不是少了个逗号啊?!,要不然翻不出来的,结构也会错,我纠结了n久了.应该是这样的吧.-------Our teachers believe that if we did that,we would concetrate more on our clothes than our studies.


请分析一下以下的英语句子1.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.2.our teachers believe that if we did that we would concetrate more on our clothes than our studies.3.only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream. 关于英语句子个别词能否替换的问题Anyway,what I like most is that you can use English wherever you go in the world.这里most可以换成best吗?如果不可以,为什么?请分析一下, 求英语大神分析一个句子请分析一下这个句子的结构I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. 英语句子 we decided to talk to some students about why they go there.请分析一下六大句子成分. 怎样把以下的句子改成一般过去时?I don't cry,doesn't mean I'm not disappointed,just want to let you go don't so reluctantly. 请英语达人来分析一下这个句子李阳疯狂英语里的:I used to go play basketball with some of my friends every saturday aftermoon.我不理解go 后面为什么可以跟play而不是playing哪个是谓语啊? 请帮忙分析一下句子的成分:you don't know what i would give to have my dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek. 以下几道英语不定式各在句子中充当什么成分?·····分析一下1.the best way 【to improve your english】 is【 to join an english club】2.if you don't know 【to spell new words】.look them up in a dictionary 3.I started 【t 分析一下这两个简单的英语句子,我不太懂1、I can't go with you .I have some papers TO TYPE.2、Do you have any papers TO BE TYPED ,sir?为什么第一个用 to type 而第二个用 to be typed? I would appreciate you calling back this afternoon .请分析一下句子的语法! I know you are student good at maths .请分析一下句子的成分! 请分析英语一句话He refused my requirement that we begiven more hands请分析一下句子的结构 I didn't want to go back my other problems,either.虾米意思,有句子分析的别跑~ I didn't want to go back my other problems,either.虾米意思,有句子分析的别跑~ 请帮我修改英文句子的文法 英文高手请进以下句子请帮我修改一下文法 帮我检查我写的对吗 不对的话帮我改过来1.I would feel sad ,because I don’t want leave my friend.我将会感觉难过 因为我不想离 分析句子:I can't without you 这个句子对吗 对请分析主谓宾等等 请告诉我sleep,go to sleep,get to sleep,go to bed的区别,包括用法、含义等,然后帮我用这些词组填一下下列句子,要用适当形式.1.I couldn't ______ last night.I was too excited.2.I ________ at 9 o'clock and woke up at 6.3.H 用英语解释句子 1.I didn't go out because of the rain.