怎么分析以下几个英语句子?1.It means the man that a woman has agreed to marry.2.These words are used in English around the world,not just in Canada where English and French are used side by side.3.There are many words in the English langua

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:56:36

怎么分析以下几个英语句子?1.It means the man that a woman has agreed to marry.2.These words are used in English around the world,not just in Canada where English and French are used side by side.3.There are many words in the English langua
1.It means the man that a woman has agreed to marry.
2.These words are used in English around the world,not just in Canada where English and French are used side by side.
3.There are many words in the English language that have been borrowed from the French language.

怎么分析以下几个英语句子?1.It means the man that a woman has agreed to marry.2.These words are used in English around the world,not just in Canada where English and French are used side by side.3.There are many words in the English langua

1、这意味着那个女人已经同意嫁给那个男人了。that引导的定语从句修饰the man


1、这意味着那个女人已经同意嫁给那个男人了。that引导的定语从句修饰the man


1 我跟同学有分歧,明天帮你问问。
2 where后面修饰地点状语从句(canada)。
3 that后面修饰words in the english language,是定语从句。

1.that 是定语从句,先行词是man 意思是那个妇女已经同意嫁给的那个男人
2.where 是定语从句 这些词汇被用在世界范围内的英语,不只是在英语和法语同用的加拿大
3.that 是定语从句 在英语这种语言中有许多词汇借鉴了法语这种语言

怎么分析以下几个英语句子?1.It means the man that a woman has agreed to marry.2.These words are used in English around the world,not just in Canada where English and French are used side by side.3.There are many words in the English langua 怎么分析以下几个英语句子?1.It means the man that a woman has agreed to marry.2.These words are used in English around the world,not just in Canada where English and French are used side by side.3.There are many words in the English langua 以下几个英语句子求改错 ●帮忙分析几个句子.谢这些句子都是书上的.1.There are many more students in our school than in theirs.(many怎么能修饰more呢?)2.It uses me about forty minutes to do my homework every day.(不是it take sb st to do 这怎么 以下的英语句子成分语法正确?I think that it is impossible for us to finish our workI think it impossible for us to finish our workI think it impossible that we can finnish our work另外分析一下这个句子what make me happy is that h 帮忙分析几个英语句子~1.It was at school ____ he spent his chilhood这是一个强调句,横线处填that,但是这个句子在我不知道它到底是不是强调句是该怎么判断?一般来讲是去掉It was ..that如果还是完整 求以下几个句子的成分分析,例如什么引导什么从句,另求此句的主语,谓语那些Victory won't come to me unless I go to it.-- 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利If you do not learn to think when you are 英语句子结构分析 he came here to see me. 想问几个英语句子理解问题1,I've learned the hatd way,to never let it get that far2,I find it hard to trust3,Not only me,but everyone around me4,we've fallen apart我想问下这几个句子是什么意思.里面的单词我应该怎么理 排列几个简单的英语句子1.now,about,something ,happened ,tell ,me ,what ,just ,now2.left ,minutes ,train ,here ,the,ten ,ago3.best ,it ,is ,plant ,because ,warmer ,it's ,to ,trees ,spring ,in 英语句中有逗号怎么分析句子? 怎么分析英语句子中的状语 求将以下几个英语句子改错.1.What are two plus eight?2.Let us give she some flowers.3.Shall we go to a swimming?4.What a fine weather it is 好难啊,求分析英语句子结构 从it开始 帮我分析一下句子 1.What a bad day it has been for me.2.,Sam answered,afarid of looking up.分析一下语法与构成 求以下几个句子的成分分析,例如什么引导什么从句,另求此句的主语,谓语那些Do what you say,do what you sayeven a great life is only a life until you make it 英语 句子成分和时态分析小弟英语基础比较差,向各位大侠求教,以下几个句子的句子成分分析和时态分析(出自新概念英语2),越详细越好,先谢过,再给悬赏.具体句子如下:Yesterday afternoon Fra 英语困惑The box is too heavy for me to carry(it) 这后面到底要不要it?It's too heavy for me to carry (it) 这要不要用it啊?能跟我分析清楚点吗?最好举出几个例子那这样呢?the box is so heavy that i couldn't carry(it