scientific research

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 02:21:56

scientific research
scientific research

scientific research
scientific research:

展开模式 折叠模式 偏好设置

scientific research:
1. 科学研究
“科学研究”(scientific research) 指为增加知识而进行的 自然科学或 应用科学方面的 任何活动; ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于164个网页
2. 科学研究
(三) 、科学研究( Scientific research) :
(四) 、环境教育( Environmental education) :休保整理/课程主题%20壹:休闲与环 ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于3个网页
scientific-research: 科研
in scientific research: 在科学研究上
scientific research ship: 科学考察船
scientific research cost: 科研费用成本
scientific research park: 科研公园
scientific research items: 科研项目
Basic scientific research: 基础科学研究
marine scientific research: 海洋科学研究
Scientific Research Department: 科研处
scientific research: 科学研究 | 科学研究
scientific research:
1. 科学研究
“科学研究”(scientific research) 指为增加知识而进行的 自然科学或 应用科学方面的 任何活动; ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于164个网页
2. 科学研究
(三) 、科学研究( Scientific research) :
(四) 、环境教育( Environmental education) :休保整理/课程主题%20壹:休闲与环 ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于3个网页
scientific-research: 科研
scientific-research: 科研
笔者认为高校营销应围绕4S展开的,即学生(student)、教员(staff)、建筑物(structure)、科研(scientific-research). - 搜索相关网页 - 基于13个网页
in scientific research: 在科学研究上
in scientific research: 在科学研究上
模块5 Unit 1 Great Scientists [ 上一篇文章 ] [ 下一篇文章 ] ...
infectious disease 传染性的疾病
in scientific research 在科学研究上
examine a new scientific idea 验证一个新的科学思想 ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于14个网页
scientific research ship: 科学考察船
scientific research ship: 科学考察船
科学考察船(scientific research ship)是用于海洋水文、气象、地质和生物等研究考察的船舶.这种船舶. - 搜索相关网页 - 基于30个网页
scientific research cost: 科研费用成本
scientific research cost: 科研费用成本
词博科技英语[科技词汇[479001-480000... ...
scientific research 科学研究
scientific research cost 科研费用成本
scientific sports 体育科学化 ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于8个网页
scientific research park: 科研公园
scientific research park: 科研公园
经贸词汇接龙 ...
科研公园 scientific research park
科研管理 management of research and development
科研计划 scientific effort ... ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于2个网页
scientific research items: 科研项目
scientific research items: 科研项目
香港政府部门常用词汇(财经)[4901-5000] ...
scientific interest 科学价值
scientific research items 科研项目
scientifically designed and highly engineered facilities 集科学设计与精密工程技术的设施 ... ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于4个网页
Basic scientific research: 基础科学研究
Basic scientific research: 基础科学研究
经济学词汇英语翻译 ...
基本需要 Basic needs
基础科学研究 Basic scientific research
基本移转支出 Basic transfer ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于1个网页
marine scientific research: 海洋科学研究
marine scientific research: 海洋科学研究
推荐文章 ...
marine science 海洋科学
marine scientific research 海洋科学研究
marine screw propeller 船用螺旋桨 ... ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于5个网页
Scientific Research Department: 科研处
Scientific Research Department: 科研处
党政机构 - 温州大学 ...
就业工作处 Student Employment Department
科研处 Scientific Research Department
计划财务处 Finance Department ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于5个网页

1. We all support his scientific research.
2. We all support his scientific research.
3. His biography is a saga of scientific research.

scientific research scientific research achievements是什么意思 cost-of-scientific-research是什么意思 Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) 是SCI吗 Scientific research英语TOPIC 200左右 it only undertake for scientific research computers must be of great use to doing scientific research 用scientific,research,basic,admire,coach写一段话,急用 scientific Computer must be of great use to ____do the scientific research.Computers must be of great use to ____do the scientific research.Computers must be of great use to ____doing scientific research.分别填什么?为什么? Some may even donate their bodies to scientific research after their death 中文翻译是啥 英语翻译What aspect of scientific research does the writer express concern about in paragraph 4 Scientific research has a great influence on our society.16 the one hand we . America,s emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research的中 这句话时态对吗?SinceI was a postgraduate student,I have been interested in scientific research. the government has a crucial role to play I.scientific research in that its scrutiny can crown ...the government has a crucial role to play I.scientific research in that its scrutiny can crown research with an ethical compass. the government has a crucial role to play in scientific research in that its scrutiny can crown research with an ethical compass.这句话的 play in 英语翻译A scientific paper is a written report describing original research results.The format of a scientific paperhas been defined by centuries of developing tradition,editorial practice,scientific ethicsand the interplaywith printing and publi