下面句子里的wild是什么意思?This kind of rose grows wild.The people of that area are still wild.He is wild when he drinks too much.They laughed at his wild idea.She gave a wild guess.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 11:24:05

下面句子里的wild是什么意思?This kind of rose grows wild.The people of that area are still wild.He is wild when he drinks too much.They laughed at his wild idea.She gave a wild guess.
This kind of rose grows wild.
The people of that area are still wild.
He is wild when he drinks too much.
They laughed at his wild idea.
She gave a wild guess.

下面句子里的wild是什么意思?This kind of rose grows wild.The people of that area are still wild.He is wild when he drinks too much.They laughed at his wild idea.She gave a wild guess.
This kind of rose grows wild.这是一种野生的玫瑰.
The people of that area are still wild.那地区的人仍未开化.
a wild storm 暴风雨 a wild sea 波涛汹涌的海
He is wild when he drinks too much.他喝多了酒就会变得粗暴.
They laughed at his wild idea.他们对他的古怪念头加以嘲笑.
She gave a wild guess.她胡乱地猜测了一下.


This kind of rose grows wild.(野生)
The people of that area are still wild.(痴迷)
He is wild when he drinks too much.(发疯)
They laughed at his wild idea.(大胆)
She gave a wild guess.(瞎猜)
