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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for World Oceans Day
8 June,2010
2010年6月8 日
Oceans play a key role in our daily lives.They are integral to sustainable development and an important frontier for research.As scientists explore the oceans at greater depths than ever before,they continue to discover new forms of marine life.This research has great potential to advance human well-being.
海洋在我们的日常生活中发挥着关键作用,是可持续发展的有机组成部分,是重要的科研前沿地带.科学家正在对海洋进行前所未有的深入探索,他 们不断发现新形式的海洋生物.这一研究很有可能为人类谋取福祉.
But,if we are to fully benefit from what oceans have to offer,we must address the damaging impacts of human activities.The diversity of life in the oceans is under ever-increasing strain.Over-exploitation of marine living resources,climate change,and pollution from hazardous materials and activities all pose a grave threat to the marine environment.So does the growth of criminal activities,including piracy,which have serious implications for the security of navigation and the safety of seafarers.
但是,如果我们希望充分得益于海洋所能带来的惠益,我们就必须消除人类活动产生的破坏影响.海洋生物多样性正日益面临更大压力.对海洋生物 资源的过度开发、气候变化及有害物质和活动所致的污染,这些都对海洋环境构成严重威胁.犯罪活动的增加,包括海盗行为,同样也是严重威胁,对航行安全和海 员的安全有着严重影响.
Much action is already being taken within the framework of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea — our “constitution for the oceans”.More than 15 years after the Convention’s entry into force,it continues to act as our guide.But if we are to safeguard the capacity of the oceans to service society’s many and varied needs,we need to do much more.On this second annual commemoration of World Oceans Day,I urge Governments and citizens everywhere to acknowledge the enormous value of the world’s oceans — and do their part in ensuring their health and vitality.
已开始在1982年《联合国海洋法公约》框架内采取许多行动,该公约是我们的“海洋宪法”.该公约生效已有15年之久,但它仍是我们的行动 导向.然而,如欲保障海洋服务于人类社会多种多样需要的能力,我们还需要做更多工作.在此世界海洋日两周年活动之际,我促请各国政府和世界各地公民认同世 界各大洋的巨大价值,各尽所能,确保各大洋的健康和活力.