
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 16:24:55



poorly-disguised的意思 poorly written 的中文意思? ill-disguised 神马意思 poorly written什么意思 poorly-mannered什么意思 disguise 和 hide区别都有隐藏的意思,能带例子说说不同吗?disguise也有隐藏的意思例如,he disguised the matter from his friends be disguised poorly-furnished是什么意思如上,请写出音标、词性、意思. funnily disguised Japanese是什么意思? 一个英语句子Alfred the great acted as his own spy,visiting danish camps disguised as a minstrel.请问这里面的disguised做状语,为什么不用disguising的形式呢?自己装扮自己,不是表示主动的关系么? 在新概念第四册第九课中,Alfred the Grate acted his own spy,visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel这句中,为什么说disguised与Alfred the Grate 是逻辑上的动宾关系? 语法分析 It would be unacceptable in Toyota to come to a meeting like that poorly prepared.能分析一下该句的语法结构吗.特别是like that poorly prepared这点.poorly prepared 到底是做什么成分的 the editor frowned as he looked over the poorly written script,这句子这句话中,as引导的什么句子?另外poorly written script是什么搭配? because they fly so much,they have poorly developed feet.的翻译 poorly drained是什么意思快 The universe got involved and sent me help disguised in the form of a sales call.谁能帮我翻译下的? poorly scaled是什么意思我知道具体指什么 就是一个方程有变量x1和x2 x1的系数为100000 x2的系数是1 则称这个方程poorly scaled 但是怎么翻译呢 Disguised the strong `,the original is so vulnerable是什么意思