the noise is so loud that i can't hear anything.改为同义句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:57:22

the noise is so loud that i can't hear anything.改为同义句
the noise is so loud that i can't hear anything.改为同义句

the noise is so loud that i can't hear anything.改为同义句
The noise is too loud for me to hear anything

The noise is too loud to hear anything

I can't hear anying because the noise is too lound.

the noise is so loud that i can't hear anything.改为同义句 The noise was so loud that it could(hear)_from far away指点下 The noise is too loud for _______ to stand.A.everybody B.nobody C.anybody The sun is so loud ,but less their warm smile . hands,with,covered,noise,was,the,the,loud,that,she,her,ears,so,her(连词成句) i ___(drive) mad by so much loud noise ( )that I couldn't be absorbed in the work They made such talked So loudly they talkedTt was noise outside Such a loud noise did they do not make the noise so loud 这里的loud 为什么要用形容词 ,不是副词吗?这个句子是不是还可以改成用loudly的形式?怎样改?do not make the noise loudly 可以吗 空you make such a loud noise?The baby is sleeping!Oh,sorry.Mr WoodAcan.Bmust.C should D may Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is subjected to loud continuous noise The fire alarm gave a loud noise suddenly等于什么 loud noise怎么读 Last night,I could hardly get asleep __ the noise outside so loud A with B because of二选一,请注明原因, I can hardly get to sleep ( )the noise outside so B.for C.with D.because 是选B还是C? ——that I couldn’t be absorbed in the work.A.It was so noisy outside.B.Such a loud noise did they make.选哪个?原因? 一个英语问题(请附解析43. I can hardly get to sleep _______ the noise outside so loud. A. as B. for C. with D. because of 英语翻译Cows like to stand before the rain comes.Chickens make a loud noise when the rain is on the way. 英语改变句型之感叹句1)【 】a powerful laser torch it is2) 【 】crowded the street is3)[]hot it is in the room 4)[]a loud noise you are making5)[]a waste to stay inside when he weather is so nice 6)[]forgetful l am7)[]an amusing story8