
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 01:31:02


  Parrot feather skin head and back feathers generally yellow stripes and a black coat and striped like a tiger skin in general, so called tiger parrot. Parrot parrot tiger belonging to a small variety of subjects, and its feathers Guangyan color, temperament and sound crisp and lively, easy to domesticate, in our country is the public favorite bird of bird species. The head is round, beak hook Qu Department, beak above the wax film (mostly parrot sex tiger wax film can be to distinguish between colors). Tiger parrot short legs, four toes, two toes forward, two toes back, easy to climb the tree, climbing structures.
  Bird body for the yellow-green; head and rear, on both sides of the neck, back and wings covered the top of the feather to light brown, each feather with yellow and black are; yellow throat and face; cheeks below with varying degrees of the Blue purple, throat part three black spots; chest feathers narrow gorge with a slender black edge. The main flight feathers for feather light blue cover; flight feathers for the green with a light gray \ color stripes; medial and gray with white stripe; the top of the central tail feathers of a blue green, black tip, the medial black. Bird beak olive yellow, blue wax film; iris white. Wax film for the female gray brown,
  With only a little bit of light blue, to the breeding season will be turned into dark brown. Chicks deeper body color, male and female chicks are wax pink membrane need 3-4 months to as long imaging into bird feathers.
  The average life span of parrots skin is 7 years. Body length of 16 ~ 18 cm, weight 35 grams. Forehead, face yellow. There are purple blue dot cheek. Upper body over the yellow and black and white pinstripe. The waist, lower body green. Throat of a small black dot. Green blue feathers. Iris white. Gray mouth. Gray-blue legs. Package for male blue nose, for the female flesh.
  The adult birds circle overhead than ping, mouth very strong shell, the shell on the mouth membrane covering the base for the wax, such as the mouth curved shell hook; body feathers colorful and varied, common colors are yellow, green, blue, white, blue-green , pale yellow color and so on, as head, neck and back of the multi-colored feathers with a black or dark brown band, named after the tiger parrot. Toe for toe-type, the second and third toes forward, backward toe the first quartile, and suitable for climbing in the branches. More suitable for holding and feeding structures. Long and pointed tail type, the central feathers like arrows extend general. Difference between male and female adult film color wax, wax film showed male blue, female brown wax film for meat. Bird wax into the base of the shell membrane and the more dry mouth,
  Matte. Shallow toe flesh.
  英文名: sparrow
  鸟纲雀形目(Passeriforms)文鸟科(Motacidae)麻雀属鸟类的通称,亦叫北国鸟(个别地方方言又称呼为:家雀、户巴拉).嘴短而强健,呈圆锥形,稍向下弯;初级飞羽 9 枚,外缘具两道淡色横斑.世界共有19种.中国产5种;其中树麻雀为习见种 ,雌雄相似.麻雀属晚成鸟.
  English name: sparrow
  National levels to protect animals
  Aves Passeriformes (Passeriforms) Section Lonchura (Motacidae) commonly known as the sparrow is a bird, bird is also called the North (also called individual local dialect as follows: domestic sparrows, Palawan households). Beak short and strong, was cone-shaped, slightly curved downward; nine primary flight feathers, the outer edge of a horizontal light spot 2. A total of 19 kinds of the world. Five kinds of Chinese-made; one tree sparrows for the study see species, male and female similar. Sparrow is a night bird.
  Leiothrix lutea
  Red-billed Leiothrix
  [学名]Leiothrix lutea
  [英文名]Red-billed Leiothrix
  Red-billed Leiothrix
  Leiothrix lutea
  Red-billed Leiothrix
  [Name] Leiothrix lutea
  [Chinese name] Red-billed Leiothrix
  [English name] Red-billed Leiothrix
  [Body length] 15.5 centimeters
  [Description] Color Keren Xinyan Garrulax of the compact class, a clear red-billed. Olive green upper body, the eye patch with yellow, orange lower body. Tail nearly black and slightly forked. Wing a little black, red and yellow in the rest of the feather edge of the wing when the pattern clearly.
  [Call] loud, pleasant, cheerful.
  [Habits] and other birds live in groups or mixed groups, habitat in the understory vegetation, lively and nimble moves.
  [Distribution] in southern China, as well as India, Nepal to northern Vietnam. [Reproduction] breeding season for the 5 ~ 6 months, thorns or small trees in the nesting, spawning 3 ~ 5.
  Synonyms: Red-billed jade, Leiothrix, Red-billed Green Guanyin. An Passeriformes, parva Branch, Timaliinae. To remain in the Yangtze River Basin and large areas of Jiangnan.
  Red-billed Leiothrix body of about 14 centimeters. Mouth was bright red; olive green upper body, face pale yellow; wings on both sides of a clear red and yellow wing patch, chin and throat to chest radiance was yellow or orange, yellow belly milk.
  Living in the plains to the mountains of 2000 meters above sea level, and often live in the evergreen broad-leaved forest, mixed forest of evergreen and deciduous shrub or bamboo, very few activities in the forest edge. Their activities not only in the lower trees, often to the middle or crown of feeding, and occasionally to the ground in search of food. Clustering of hi or mixed with other bird groups, male and female inseparable, Qiao Jie lively action, do not fear people.
  Staple food, as well as a variety of insects and larvae of the fruit and seeds of plants, birds are omnivorous