it was possible to hurt so much and feel so numb in the same time.求翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 08:58:35

it was possible to hurt so much and feel so numb in the same time.求翻译
it was possible to hurt so much and feel so numb in the same time.求翻译

it was possible to hurt so much and feel so numb in the same time.求翻译

make it possible to do The disappearance of dinosaurs made___ the rise of mammals which gave birth to young baby was possible possible C.possible to be D.possible It was rainning hard at that time.____,we had to leave as soon as possible. 翻译9.It was possible for the student to answer all but one exam question. To make what is said above__,English is essential.A.possible possible C.was possibleD.possibility 请帮我翻译和详细解答好吗?非常感激! 这里是什么语法现象,即:什么从句呢?But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport.此处everything 与其后的it was possible to win 是什么关系? Parts of which it was still possible to read.这是书上的句子,为什么加it?那我能不能说Parts of which was still possible to read because not always it was possible to tell something like that just by looking at someone,求翻译 英语翻译It was raining hard at that time.However ,we had to leave as soon as possible. 求标准翻译?It was just possible to pick out the small cottage on the side of the mountain. the plan was abandoned when they found it.(possible)to accomplish.空格内为什么是形容词impossible而不是副词impossibly it was possible to hurt so much and feel so numb in the same time.求翻译 make it possible for do It seems ------ [ possible] to beat him. 请问it would be possible和it is possible 有什么区别?读到一句话He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the ctre of the Channel请问如果改成He said that it was possible to build a platform in the ctre of the Channel I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible,but I was fullyoccupiedthe whole of last week.请问为什么用was呢?“had it been at all possible”是什么意思? 1.This is ------that I don`t want to do it any more.答案为such boring work为什么?2.When do you want it?--Tomorrow, possible B.if possible`s possible D.if it possible为什么?3.The match___over when they___to the playgroud.填was I would have come to see you _____ ,but I was so busy then.A)if it would be possible B)if it were I would have come to see you _____ ,but I was so busy then.A)if it would be possibleB)if it were possibleC)was it possibleD)had it been possible