
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 16:14:49


Recommendation Algorithm, as one of the most important methods of Information Filtering (IF), is considered for having a very high potential in resolving the current "information overload" problem. One of the most prominent applications of Recommendation Algorithm is in the Electric Commerce (E-Commerce) field. The Recommendation Algorithm method can suggest possible products that may be of interest to a customer (such as books and CDs) based on the customer's interest and preferences. It identifies the potential needs of the users, and turn them into actual needs, in order to reach the targets of improving the sales volume of the product. The personalized Recommender System is a high-end Business Intelligence platform that is based on a Mass Data Mining approach, in order to help E-Commerce sites in supporting completely customized customer shopping experience and decision-making, as well as providing information. This suggests the high significance of developing the Recommendation Algorithm.
This report starts with introduces the state quo of Recommendation Algorithm, suggests the importance of studying the subject. It also examines the development of Recommendation Algorithm and the existing problems, and outlines the similiarity comparasion methods. Based on the outlines, it provides a comprehensive overview of Collaborative Filtering and studies the existing conditions and issues. It then focuses on the examination of the Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm based on Uncertain Neighbors and Item Rating Prediction, and presents the detailed methodology in support of the Recommendation Algorithm and its formulas. At last, as realized in the Collaborative Filtering Algorithm based on Uncertain Neighbors and Item Rating Prediction, two algorithms are developed using MATLAB language to be implemented in MATLAB.
The results of the study unveils that, under the conditions of the data collected by this report, the accuracy rate of the Uncertain Neighbors approach is higher than the Item Rating Prediction approach. Also, when the Uncertain Neighbors approach is being applied, the accuracy rate becomes higher as the number of the participants in the study increases; and the accuracy rate becomes constant as the number of participants reaches to a certain value.

英语翻译推荐技术作为一种信息过滤的重要手段,是当前解决信息超载问题的非常有潜力的方法.推荐技术最典型的应用是在电子商务领域.推荐技术可根据用户的兴趣、爱好推荐顾客可能感兴 英语作为一种文化信息交流的重要工具,变得越来越重要了.用英文怎么翻译 英语作为一种文化信息交流的重要工具,变得越来越重要了.用英文怎么翻译 英语作为一种文化信息交流的重要工具,变得越来越重要了.用英文怎么翻译急用 英语翻译如今的时代是信息时代,而网络作为人们获取信息最快速便捷的通道显得越来越重要。网络已经成为了一种生活方式一种与人们的衣食住行息息相关的东西,网络让人们足不出户便 英语翻译因特网的广泛应用引发了一场全球范围内的信息革命.信息已被作为一种重要的社会战略资源而与物资、能源、人力一起被列为现代社会生产力的重要因素.我国的信息安全形势不是 英语翻译遥感图像在数据采集、传输中会受到各种噪声的干扰.因此,遥感图像的降噪作为一种重要的遥感图像预处理技术有着举足轻重的作用. 里面存有很多重要的信息英语翻译 英语翻译英语翻译.用些句型,非软件翻译.英语作为一门语言,是一种重要的交际工具..听说能力是语言的两项基本技能,是获取信息、表达思想的重要方式之一,应该重视.国际合作日益增多,听说 英语翻译微博作为一种新的信息传播渠道和载体,已经成为社会化媒体的重要类型.随着众多网民的积极参与,微博已经成为中国网络舆论的又一重要平台.在这个全新的平台上,政府部门和政府 英语翻译随着数字技术和互联网技术的发展,网络信息著作权保护尤其重要.我国对网络著作权侵权赔偿应当适用过错责任原则,这符合法理,符合国情,有利于平衡网络与著作权人之间的利益,有 各位大神求这两段的英语翻译新闻报道的客观性原则从美国新闻界于十九世纪中叶的提出到二十世纪初期逐渐确立为新闻界恪守的一项重要原则.作为新闻学重要的一种理念、一种报道方式, 运用价值规律知识,说明国有企业为什么把技术进步作为提升企业核心竞争力的重要手 技术信息的含义不是信息技术,是技术信息 英语翻译以因特网技术为核心的现代信息技术正在对人类社会的发展、进步和繁荣产生着越来越重要的影响.国际互联网的诞生,使信息传递、电子商务等业务有了突飞猛进的发展.网络会计的 信息存储技术的发展过程 英语翻译合作计划书一、中国热升华市场概论近几年来,伴随着数码影像在中国的飞速发展,热升华作为一种新兴和独特的影像输出技术得到了越来越广泛的应用.目前,热升华技术在中国市场的 给我提供一些重要信息 英语翻译?