
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 23:15:10


Hi,are you busy?I haven't got your phone call so I think you must be very busy.What a pity that we may not be able to meet in Beijing this time because I will fly to HangKong this evening and start my long trip and will not be back until the end of this year.It will be surprise t you that I will visit your homeland,Malaysia in the middle of next month.I hope everything with you goes smoothly.Take care and look forward to our next meeting.

HI do in the busy, did not wait for you to call (Context context: a phone call the day before yesterday said to each other) I think your work will busy? (Tone: not to blame, the focus is his very busy...


HI do in the busy, did not wait for you to call (Context context: a phone call the day before yesterday said to each other) I think your work will busy? (Tone: not to blame, the focus is his very busy, thoughtful and understanding each other's situation) well sorry ah, this is not likely to see in Beijing, above the. Because my flight to Hong Kong tonight, I began the long journey until the end of home. Tell your surprise, I arrived at around mid-next month in Malaysia your home, I hope you all the best! Take care! Next meeting will take together!


短信求英文翻译!谢高手!HI在忙吗,没等到你来电话(语境背景:前天对方说要打来电话)我想你的工作一定很忙吗?(语气:不是责怪,重点是他非常忙,体贴和理解对方处境)好遗憾啊,这次可 求英文翻译中的高手 高手们注意!高分悬赏,英文翻译,内容百度HI聊. 在等一个人 英文翻译 求高手英文翻译:我愿意等你三年,今生今节最爱你. 求高手英文翻译:我愿意等你三年,今生今世最爱你. 麻烦英语高手帮我翻译下面的话成英文!亲爱的!不是说只是去短期的出差吗?为什么那么久都没有你的联系!没有你的短信!我很想你!也好担心你!如果你看到我短信请告诉我你在哪里?过得好不 对象说有点其他事,没时间找你,等有时间了再找你吧.是什么意思?在忙也不至于发个短信的时间都没有吧… 英语翻译求高手给列出较全的各种天气的英文翻译比如下雨 rainy 有雾foggy 等 英文翻译 唐山第十中学 应该怎么翻译?tangshan the tenth senior high school 对么?求高手解答啊!求高手解答啊 在线等!十中是一所高中 求英文高手英文翻译:文化社区图书室 你的冷漠让我没勇气跟你说:hi.的英文翻译 哪位高手可以英文翻译in the laws of Soul Society,关键在Soul Society.求 总是徘徊在放弃与坚持之间 求高手帮忙翻译一下这句话(英文翻译), 求下列词语的英文翻译:电视节目、短信、观众、参与、收益、适合 他这条短信意味着什麼他说没感觉了,刚开始我很绝望,2天不闻不闻,可总思念他,就发短信打电话问他为什麼突然这样子,他也回电话短信不过内容是在哪干什麼等,从不回答我的质问,昨天我又 求英文翻译 是让他在外面等呢,还是我们在会议室见他呢 我没胆怯过 求英文翻译