
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 07:36:05


The number of retail sales positions counts for a large fraction among all industries in our country,which has an important influence on the development of the economy.However,due to the special human resources circumstance,such as the influence of changing seasons on the sales,a number of unskilled workers,undiversified rewards,it has formed a complex progress to arrange and supervise the sales staff,which also give rise to series of problems on the pay-getting progress for example,only pursuing the sales and ignoring the development goal of the enterprise and doing harm to the interest of the customers to chase the private interest.All these problems impede the long-run development of the enterprise,as well as cultivating and retaining excellent sales staff.The aim of this thesis is to provide some suggestion on the solving of the salary issue by stating the current situation of salary issue,analyzing the reason of this problem and the current strategies that have been put forward already.


A short

Retail sales positions in our industry in the number of large proportion of economic development in China, and has important influence. However, due to the human resources department retail special en...


Retail sales positions in our industry in the number of large proportion of economic development in China, and has important influence. However, due to the human resources department retail special environment, such as the seasons change affect sales, unskilled workers, according to the customer demand diversity, compensation, these factors often make sales personnel placement and regulatory processes complex.
This also makes the sales staff to obtain compensation caused a series of questions - such as devotion to ignore sales sales personnel of enterprise long-term goal, to personal income to harm the interests of customers, these problems hindering etc, also the long-term development of the enterprise of enterprise training excellent salesmen and retain people they buried. This paper based on the present situation of sales personnel salary, and the causes of the problems and countermeasures for some current problems of enterprise salary recommendations.


Retail sales positions in our industry in the number of large proportion of economic development in China, and has important influence. However, due to the human resources department retail special en...


Retail sales positions in our industry in the number of large proportion of economic development in China, and has important influence. However, due to the human resources department retail special environment, such as the seasons change affect sales, unskilled workers, according to the customer demand diversity, compensation, these factors often make sales personnel placement and regulatory processes complex. This also makes the sales staff to obtain compensation caused a series of questions - such as devotion to ignore sales sales personnel of enterprise long-term goal, to personal income to harm the interests of customers, these problems hindering etc, also the long-term development of the enterprise of enterprise training excellent salesmen and retain people they buried. This paper based on the present situation of sales personnel salary, and the causes of the problems and countermeasures for some current problems of enterprise salary recommendations.




英语翻译百货零售行业的销售岗位数量在我国行业中占了很大的比重,对我国经济发展具有重要影响。然而,由于百货零售业特殊的人力资源环境,如季节的变化影响销售量、非熟练工人多 英语翻译我国零售行业的发展从早期的“小卖部”发展成现在的连锁式大型超市.在经济需求日益增加和企业竞争愈加剧烈的市场中,形式多样的折扣店和网络超市等新兴超市发展迅速,对百货 在零售行业,商品下架的英文怎么说? 零售行业竞争的本质是什么? 零售行业的特点有哪些? 英语翻译在IT行业中有一个岗位是“实施总监” 请问如何翻译成英文! 英语翻译摘要2008年中国经济和社会消费品总额继续保持快速、稳定的发展态势,零售行业继续显现蓬勃发展的生机.大型连锁超市作为目前零售业发展的主要业态之一,在我国的竞争日趋激烈. 英语翻译随着计算机技术和数据库应用技术的不断发展,市场经济和我国正式加入WTO后的国外资本和先进的管理、技术、服务手段进入我国的很多行业(也有可能包括我们的汽车销售行业)的形 英语翻译随着我国房地产业的发展,房地产中介服务机构迅速发展起来,重庆市房地产中介机构的数量在近几年也呈现“井喷式”的增长.房地产经纪行业是房地产市场经济链中不可或缺的一环, 英语翻译从零售企业的所有者归属地和零售企业的规模两个角度详细分析了零售企业适用的采购管理模式.最后就我国零售企业采购管理模式的发展趋势进行了分析. 工业气体行业是高危行业工业气体是高危行业,那是不是工作在这样的公司特别危险,比如设备巡检、计算机点检、空分操作基层岗位更危险?在这些岗位会得一些慢性病吗? 英语翻译到现在为止,西藏和新疆仍然没有零售,这将极大的打击销售团队的自信心 英语翻译自我评价:16年金融会计和零售业务工作经验,12年金融软件开发、销售行业经验,并有较高的金融业务技术水平,思维严谨,工作敬业;对金融软件项目实施有较深刻的理解,有项目管理 英语翻译教育培训行业是一个充满机会的行业,xx是一个非常好的平台,我希望大家坚定对行业的选择,对XX的认可,在各自的岗位上努力学习,坚持,朝着自己的目标前进,成功离你们不远了.祝你们 欣欣日用品零售商店,从某公司批发部每月按销售合同以批发单价每把8元购进雨伞(数量至少为100把).根据销售记录,这种雨伞以每把14元的单价零售时,月销售量为100把,如果零售单价每降低0. 化工零售属于什么行业 批发零售一体业商品单品多销售成本该怎么计算?特别是文具那些特多种类的商品,一般都整批进价的!还有比较难统计已销售数量`` 英语翻译该公司是以医院销售为主,零售药店和第三终端并重发展的区域性医药流通企业,凭借自有的运输网络从事药品、生物疫苗、医疗器械等医药产品的批发、零售业务.