let用法 快

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 05:02:51

let用法 快
let用法 快

let用法 快
A: Verb=动词
1.让 = I let them borrow the car; let the air out of the balloon; Let me see your drawing.
2.允许 = let the dog in; let the construction job to a new firm.
3.出租 = House to let; He lets his house to visitors in the summer. 出租
B: Noun=名词
1. Police are free to investigate without let or hindrance 干扰
2. the majority of new lets are covered by the rent regulations 租
C.: Let alone 不干涉; let down 使失望 [ Please don't let me down ]; let go 放开 [Please let go of my coat] ; let off 饶恕; let in/let out...

后面加宾格 如[let us让我们]

let 让的意思,比如let us go to school让我们去上学吧
常用let sb do sth

lat 使役动词 翻译成“让” let sb do sth