句中的which指代什么?Talking about Zidane,where to start?Firstly there was the Euro 2000 victory with France,which earned him his second FIFA World Player of Year.关于齐达内从哪开始说呢?首先是和法国队赢得2000年欧洲杯,这

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 11:39:02

句中的which指代什么?Talking about Zidane,where to start?Firstly there was the Euro 2000 victory with France,which earned him his second FIFA World Player of Year.关于齐达内从哪开始说呢?首先是和法国队赢得2000年欧洲杯,这
Talking about Zidane,where to start?Firstly there was the Euro 2000 victory with France,which earned him his second FIFA World Player of Year.

句中的which指代什么?Talking about Zidane,where to start?Firstly there was the Euro 2000 victory with France,which earned him his second FIFA World Player of Year.关于齐达内从哪开始说呢?首先是和法国队赢得2000年欧洲杯,这
which指代"the Euro 2000 victory with France".
At the start of their lunar December,the Tibetans put barley seeds in water to make seedlings,which are then placed before bronze statues of Buddha hoping a harvest in the new year.



which===the Euro 2000 victory with France 和法国队赢得2000年欧洲杯(这件事)


which代表的是the Euro 2000 victory with France

句中的which指代什么?Talking about Zidane,where to start?Firstly there was the Euro 2000 victory with France,which earned him his second FIFA World Player of Year.关于齐达内从哪开始说呢?首先是和法国队赢得2000年欧洲杯,这 英语句子语法结构分析,a supernova looks like a very bright light in the sky which shines even in the daytime.请帮忙分析一下which在句中的用法,以及which指代什么词, 画线句“之”指代什么 古诗中的这些词语指代.古诗文中“汗青”指代什么“桑梓”指代什么“须眉”指代什么“巾帼”指代什么“社稷”指代什么“布衣”指代什么 六经中的御指代什么 雪 文中画线句中的 就是这样 体现出怎样的语气,这样指代什么 画线句中的 这 指代什么?为什么说 无关紧要?《废墟上的鲜花》 竹影 画线句中的如此和这样的看法分别指代什么 .问君何能尔 一句中的 尔 指代什么 幼时记趣 中的 神游其中,怡然自得 一句的 其中 指代什么内容? 《皇帝的新装》“这可骇人听闻了”,此句中的“这”字指代什么? 定语重句的问题什么情况下同样指代地点不能用WHERE只能用WHICH,还有同样指代时间什么情况下只能用WHEN不能用WHICH which指代什么?可以这样说吗?难道which一定指代air?xx is stable in air,which represent good ... you must never confuse faith that you would prevail in the end which you can never afford to lose..which指代什么...整句怎么翻译 《赞美》一诗中的“我”指代什么 工之侨献琴中的“之”指代什么 工之侨献琴中的“之”指代什么 忽啼求之中的之指代什么?传一乡秀才观之中的之指代什么?