
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 04:48:43


house 与 home
table; desk:

英文:Float ( float ), cool ( cool ), round ( around ) you ( to ): antonyms cool ( hot ), joy ( pain ) interpretation ( description, explanation, understand ( understood, understood ) ), travel ( travel,...


英文:Float ( float ), cool ( cool ), round ( around ) you ( to ): antonyms cool ( hot ), joy ( pain ) interpretation ( description, explanation, understand ( understood, understood ) ), travel ( travel, hiking ) find ( found ), fall ( fell ), devotion ( contribution), return ( come back), fat ( fat, rich ), green ( green ), strong ( strong, robust ) mapping ( mapping, shine), straight ( standing, vigorous ) ( praise, praise, praise ), transparent ( bright, glittering like ( as ), as if ( as ), general, general) against ( foil), charmed ( desire ), more ( more ) ( EPIC ), majestic, purity (purity), the magnificent ( splendor ), clear ( clean ) decorate ( decoration ), ordered ( told ), baby ( baby), confusion ( confusion ) visited ( visit, visit, faithful, honest honest ( ) ( ), mysterious, strange magic ), storage ( storage, accumulated) ( shake, shake, shake ) smart ( alert, wit), observe ( observation, inspection ), then ( immediately, immediately called ( call ) Collection, aggregation), resistance ( fight, resistance ), invasion ( invasion, invasion), battle ( fight, fight ( very ) abnormalities, in particular), effects ( effect, effect of ornamental ( appreciation ), watch ), aggregation ( collection, gather ), bright ( bright ), shine ( shine ), wonderful ( excellent), uncomfortable ( comfort, carefree ), be riotous with colour ( resplendent with variegated coloration ), be known to all the world ( famous ) ( morning dawn, daybreak ) ( handsome, beautiful, pretty, particularly ( especially ), in particular), appear ( show, emerge in large numbers ), brilliance ( honor), farewell ( goodbye, farewell ), full of vigour ( full of youthful spirit ) odd ( odd, singular ), ( to ) get to the bottom of concentrate one's attention on (, be absorbed in repair ( repair ), dressing ), whistling ( roar ), release ( release, bail), large ( large, great ), satisfaction ( satisfaction, pleased ) stabilization ( sedation, stable, sincere ( sincere ), concern, not ) play ( not, injury ( injury, victimization, stand ( bear ), bear ), fear ( fear, anxiety ), pallor ( pale, pale, flat ) Static ( quiet, quiet, barely ( will do ), will ( would ), happy ( ), hesitate hesitation, delay ), blue ( blue ), end ( terminate, end), difficult ( stress ), take turns ( turns, rotation), hot ( fire, lively ), condition ( situation, status) ( love, cherish, cherish ) down ( down, despair ), red ( bright, showy ), to ( reluctantly, to foster ( ), training, feeding, ( ) near the adjacent, surrounding), down ( down, down ), dream ( delusions, eager ) scenarios ( situation, scene, gather ( ) Reunion) ( miss, miss, miss, be jubilant ( ) be in the best of spirits ) idle ( leisure, leisure ), bad habits ( custom ), abolished ( abolished, cancel ), mutilation ( damage, killing ), pain ( pain, suffering ), love ( love ) ( angry, angry, angry, joke, laugh ( laugh )
中文:飘荡(飘动)、凉爽(凉快)、环绕(围绕)尽情(纵情) 反义词:凉爽(闷热)、欢乐(痛苦) 解释(说明、解说)、理解(懂得、了解)、旅游(旅行、远足)发现(发觉)、飘零(飘落)、奉献(贡献)、回归(回来)、肥美(肥壮、肥沃)、葱翠(青翠)、茁壮(强壮、健壮)映照(映射、照耀)、挺拔(挺立、苍劲)、赞美(赞扬、歌颂)、透明(透亮、晶莹) 宛如(犹如、好像)、一般(一样、普通) 映衬(衬托)、神往(向往)、越发(更加)、雄伟(雄壮)、纯净(纯洁)、壮丽(壮美)、明洁(明净) 装点(装饰)、嘱咐(叮嘱)、宝贝(珍宝)、迷惑(困惑) 拜访(拜望、访问)、憨厚(忠厚、老实)、神秘(神奇、奇怪)、保存(储存、积存) 摇晃(摇动、摇摆)、机灵(机警、机智)、察看(观察、视察)、随即(立即、立刻) 招集(召集、聚集)、抵抗(抗击、抵抗)、侵略(入侵、侵犯)、战斗(斗争、奋战) 异常(非常、特别)、效果(成效、效验)观赏(欣赏、观看)、聚集(集合、聚拢)、璀璨(灿烂)、闪耀(闪烁)、精彩(出色)、舒服(舒适、畅快)、五颜六色(五光十色)、举世闻名(文明遐迩) 黎明(清晨、拂晓)、俊俏(俊秀、俏丽)、格外(分外、特别)、出现(显现、涌现)、光彩(光荣)、告别(辞别、辞行)、生机勃勃(朝气蓬勃) 奇怪(古怪、奇异)、刨根问底(追根究底)、聚精会神(全神贯注) 维修(修理、修整)、呼啸(咆哮)、释放(开释、保释)、巨大(庞大、宏大)、得意(满意、高兴) 镇定(镇静、稳定)、恳切(诚恳、关切)、了不起(了不得、损伤(伤害、受害)、忍受(忍耐、承受)、担心(担忧、忧虑)、苍白(惨白、灰白)、平静(安静、宁静)、勉强(将就、凑合) 愿意(情愿、乐意)、犹豫(犹疑、迟疑)、忧郁(愁闷)、结束(终止、完结)、困境(逆境)、轮流(轮番、轮换)、热烈(烈火、热闹)、情况(情形、状况)、珍惜(珍爱、珍视) 失望(扫兴、绝望)、娇艳(鲜艳、艳丽)、甘心(情愿、甘愿)、培育(培养、哺育)、附近(邻近、周边)、扫兴(败兴、失望)、梦想(妄想、渴望) 情景(情形、景象)、欢聚(团聚)、思念(想念、怀念)、兴高采烈(兴致勃勃)空闲(闲暇、休闲)、陋习(陋俗)、废除(废止、取消)、残害(伤害、杀害)、痛苦(痛楚、困苦)、喜欢(喜爱)、生气(动气、发怒)、笑话(见笑、讥笑)


