联系生活实际从行走、骑自行车、乘车方面,谈谈交通安全应注意的事项.参考词汇:should,walk pavement,until,traffic,don't play or read,look ahead,handlebars,carry people,take bus,stand in line,get on/off,before.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 01:45:01

联系生活实际从行走、骑自行车、乘车方面,谈谈交通安全应注意的事项.参考词汇:should,walk pavement,until,traffic,don't play or read,look ahead,handlebars,carry people,take bus,stand in line,get on/off,before.
联系生活实际从行走、骑自行车、乘车方面,谈谈交通安全应注意的事项.参考词汇:should,walk pavement,until,traffic,don't play or read,look ahead,handlebars,carry people,take bus,stand in line,get on/off,before.

联系生活实际从行走、骑自行车、乘车方面,谈谈交通安全应注意的事项.参考词汇:should,walk pavement,until,traffic,don't play or read,look ahead,handlebars,carry people,take bus,stand in line,get on/off,before.
Here are some warnings for you to make sure you'll doing well with traffic safety.
Riding in a Car
1.Riding in a car is fun,but you should be safe,too!Do you know how to buckle up for safety?
2.Ask an adult to make sure that you are safe and ready to go!
Make sure that everyone else is buckled up,too.
Crossing the Street
1.If you are 10 years old or younger,you need to cross the street with an adult.Don't play or read while crossing the street.
You should not cross by yourself.Ask an adult to tell you who can help you cross the street.
2.Before you step off the curb to cross,stop and look left-right-left to see if cars are coming.Do you know your left from your right?If you do,that is great!If you don’t,here is a hint:when you hold your left hand up,your thumb and first finger will make the letter,“L,” and that stands for “left.”
3.When no cars are coming,it is safe for you and an adult to cross.But look left-right-left as you do it,and hold the adult’s hand.
Riding a Bike
1.When carrying people on your bike,make sure that your helmets fit correctly.The helmet should fit low on your forehead so that two fingers fit between it and your eyebrows.
Taking the Bus
1.Line up at least five giant steps away from the street.
2.Standing in line until the bus stops and it is safe to get on the bus.
3.Look left–right–left before you step off the bus to be sure no cars are coming.

联系生活实际从行走、骑自行车、乘车方面,谈谈交通安全应注意的事项.参考词汇:should,walk pavement,until,traffic,don't play or read,look ahead,handlebars,carry people,take bus,stand in line,get on/off,before. 几道数学初二分时方程方面的题甲乙两地相距125千米,从甲地到乙地,有人乘车,有人骑自行车,自行车比汽车早出发4小时,晚到1/2小时,已知骑车的速度与乘车的速度之比为2:5,求自行车与汽车的 这两个自然段从哪几个方面列举了人类对地球的破坏?联系生活实际想想这些破坏行为会导致怎样的后果? 萧山高桥初中从青少年宫到高桥初中应该怎样乘车?听说乘车的人会很多,骑自行车好还是乘车好呢? 联系生活实际,你能从这两个故事中悟出什么道理?一定要联系生活实际 画蛇添足(联系生活实际) 什么叫联系生活实际 联系生活实际谈谈同情心 句子该怎样联系生活实际 联系生活实际解释南辕北撤 写一篇良师的作文最好联系生活实际,从生活中的一个小细节开始, 联系生活实际你能从两小儿辩日中悟出什么道理 从《骆驼祥子》中你学到了什么?联系生活实际,如果好的话, 从《螳螂捕蝉》这个故事中你获得了怎样的启示?请联系生活实际谈一谈. 舟止,从其所契者入水求之你是怎样理解的要联系生活实际 联系生活实际,你能从学弈和两小辫日悟出什么道理 先行其言而后从之的与实际生活联系的例子 联系生活说一说电能具有哪些优越性?从来源、输送、使用方便与否等方面阐述.