· I bumped into John _____ I went to theother evening.A at the Opera HouseB on the main roadC in the dinnerD in LondonE at a dinner正确答案是E

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:57:56

· I bumped into John _____ I went to theother evening.A at the Opera HouseB on the main roadC in the dinnerD in LondonE at a dinner正确答案是E
· I bumped into John _____ I went to theother evening.
A at the Opera House
B on the main road
C in the dinner
D in London
E at a dinner

· I bumped into John _____ I went to theother evening.A at the Opera HouseB on the main roadC in the dinnerD in LondonE at a dinner正确答案是E
I bumped into John _____ I went to the other evening.
A at the Opera House
B on the main road
C in the dinner
D in London
E at a dinner
析:bumped into =came across,有“偶遇”,“与.不期而遇”,“和.撞了个满怀”(本意).的意思.
the other evening,类似于the other day,表示“几天前的一个晚上”.是时间状语.
I went to是一个限制性定语从句,前面省略了在从句中作宾语的关系代词that
AD中的the Opera House和London是表示地点的专有名词,不需要一个限制性定语从句,排除(London也太大了点!).
B.road是条线,不是一个点,我们确实有在大街上(on the street,on the main road) 与人不期而遇的事发生,但一般不说:I went to the (/a) road.的 排除B
C.in the dinner 中这个介词in莫名其妙!
只有E.at a dinner 表示“在一个宴会上”,而定语从句:I went to a dinner the other evening 几天前的一个晚上,我去参加了个一宴会,才合理合法.
这道题目,如果没有这个限制性定语从句I went to的话,除C项,其它4个选项都成立:

· I bumped into John _____ I went to theother evening.A at the Opera HouseB on the main roadC in the dinnerD in LondonE at a dinner正确答案是E I've bumped my my bumped i head 连词成句 I bumped into a few foreign friends_________in the street. A.a few days B.other daysC.the other dayD.the other days 关于几个英语介词的用法下面三个句子的同一个动词搭配了不同的介词,请解释一下为什么,谢谢!1、In the dark I bumped into the chair.(into)2、The car bumped against the kerb.(against)3、Be careful not to bump your h How long ()since I bumped into you at McDonald?选 is it ,was it为何不对?()is often the case,the girl forgot to bring her book.选as,such为何不对 bumped是什么意思 And then I fell off the bed and I bumped my head. 英语改错题 一共有十个错误 第一行跟第二行是对的I was walking along the main shopping belt when I bumped into an oldacquaintance.He remark that I had put on some weight since the last timehe saw me.I was trying to figure up how th 英语翻译Hmmmm...Yeah,yeah.I back again,in this town,to find a girl that i used to know.I bumped into,a friend of mine,and she told me where to go.She said go right down,the 56th street,make a left at the corner store.There‘ll be a house in the 英语翻译Now,now,now,honeyYou better sit down and look aroundCause you mustve bumped yo headAnd I love you enough to talk some sense back into you,babyId hate to see you come home,me the kidsAnd the dog is goneCheck my credentials...I give you eve how long since i bumped into you and your sister at McDonald?选项:A is it B was it C had it been D has it been it is +加一段时间 since 与 it has +加一段时间 since 不是意思一样吗?我很混,请问此题该作何解? John has a parrot.It is a nice bird.Everyday John says to it,“Hello!I can see you!” Soon the bird can say “Hello!I can see you!” One day John is at school.A thief comes into John’s room.He wants to steal something.A voice comes,“Hello!I c L bumped my head. get bumped around He was seen to cross the street when a car bumped into him.中的to cross是什么用法?改成crossing对么 At the party ,I______a few friends of mine and then we had a good time togetherA,knocked down B bumped up Cknocked out Dbumped into 选什么,为什么 Seeing John rush into the room with tears in his eyes,I asked what had happend.为什么这样说呢?不是 what happend是习惯用法么?