where 前面能用介词吗?请教两个英语句子,china is the birth place of knites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan ; she stood near the window,from where she saw the national flag being raised.我知道在定语从句中where 就等于

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:08:49

where 前面能用介词吗?请教两个英语句子,china is the birth place of knites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan ; she stood near the window,from where she saw the national flag being raised.我知道在定语从句中where 就等于
where 前面能用介词吗?
请教两个英语句子,china is the birth place of knites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan ; she stood near the window,from where she saw the national flag being raised.
我知道在定语从句中where 就等于介词加which,where 前面是不能有介词的,那么上面两个句字是什么从句呢?该如何分析呢?介词后面怎么加了where呀?

where 前面能用介词吗?请教两个英语句子,china is the birth place of knites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan ; she stood near the window,from where she saw the national flag being raised.我知道在定语从句中where 就等于
from 后接副词或介词短语作宾语的例子很多
He came out from behind the door.他从门后面出来
I saw my boy sleeping in class from outside the window我从窗外面看到我儿子在课堂上睡觉.
你的句1.from where 意思是从在中国这个地方开始传播一直传到日本=from in China)
句2from where意思是从窗子附近的地方她看到了国旗被升起=from near the window)

我的个人观点是:其实这两个句子中where是充当一个代词,第一个where代替China,而第二个where代替near the window;而非关系副词,不过从句型来说,都是个定语从句。

where 前面能用介词吗?请教两个英语句子,china is the birth place of knites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan ; she stood near the window,from where she saw the national flag being raised.我知道在定语从句中where 就等于 句子里介词前面能用动词吗? 英语中两个介词能连用吗? 定语从句前面是介词,是不是只能用that that的前面为什么不能用介词啊 英语月份前面加什么介词 英语周四早上前面用哪个介词 上海前面加什么英语介词 有月有日有年前面加介词什么?(英语) 关于英语定语从句的关系词Can you take us to the room ________ the important meeting was being held?空格处是填 where 还是 in which?我的意思是如果在从句中缺介词的话,前面能直接用where吗?还是一定要用 介词+ 前面介词一定是看定语从句中动词来确定吗?比如from which she come 还有介词+which whom一定可以和where when互换吗 between前面能不能用介词,用那个介词,举举例子! 英语中,星期前面用什么介词?季节前面用什么介词,年月日前面用什么介词?早上下午晚上前面用什么介词?直接说用什么 英语中,一句话能用两个and吗? research前面能用名词吗 破折号前面能用逗号吗 英语语法问题:在定语从句中,关系词前面有介词只能用which而不用that,那么关系词是什么?关系词前面有介词要紧挨着关系词吗?举例说明一下. 在英语表达中两个介词可以连用吗?