——_____ (be) everyone here?——Yes,they ____ (be).

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 01:48:58

——_____ (be) everyone here?——Yes,they ____ (be).
——_____ (be) everyone here?——Yes,they ____ (be).

——_____ (be) everyone here?——Yes,they ____ (be).
Is everyone here?
——Yes,they are
everyone 代表整体,用is,they 用are不用我多说

Is , are

——_____ (be) everyone here?——Yes,they ____ (be). 1.—_____ will the supper be early?I'm very hungry.—In a minute. —_____(be) the twins born in Shanghai?—No,they weren't Everything _____(be) fine. How to be _____ Is everyon here today NO ,tony is sick today.翻译 用所给代词和动词的正确形式完成1.——This book is new.——_____(be/it)old?——NO,_____(it/be)2.We are late.——______(be/we)late?——Yes._____(you/be)half an your late.3.David is in Calss 1.——_____(be/he)in 积累下列文言实词,分别写出几个含有下列文言实词的成语旁 — _____、_____、_____务 — _____、_____、_____欲 — _____、_____、_____顾 — _____、_____、_____ 四字词语接龙(最好接19对,词越多分越多)七嘴八舌—舌剑唇枪—枪林弹雨—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—_____—____ 根据句意及首字母写出单词!1:lf you feel terrible,you should see the d( ).2:Don't be s( )out,we have much time left.3:We should stay q( )in class.4:Don't be a( )with children.5:l don't feel( )( ) ,l'm afraid l can't go to the party6:Everyon There used to be a clear river across the city 改一般疑问句并做否定回答改成— ______ ________ _____ __________ ______ a clear river across the city?—No,_____ _____ 1.—Are you _____ _____ ______?--Yes,I work out every day so I am healthy enough.2.----I almost _____ exercise in the morning to keep ______.-----You must be a sports fan. 1.this skateboard is yellow._____(I) is red and blue.2.the signs over there__(be)——interesting 我们很可能迟到.We will _____ _____ _____ be late . He will be a doctor_____ _____ _____ _____(十年以后) I ___ (be) strongSister _____(be) thin. it must be _____(interest) _____【be】his shoes black?