帮忙编两个英语小对话.(关于酒店英语).1)Visitor:Your name is Zhou Qian.You’re coming to visit a Miss Alice Brwn from England.Clerk:After checking,Miss Brown is in Room 2003.Miss Brown would like Miss Zhou to go straight to her roo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 03:39:39

帮忙编两个英语小对话.(关于酒店英语).1)Visitor:Your name is Zhou Qian.You’re coming to visit a Miss Alice Brwn from England.Clerk:After checking,Miss Brown is in Room 2003.Miss Brown would like Miss Zhou to go straight to her roo
1)Visitor:Your name is Zhou Qian.You’re coming to visit a Miss Alice Brwn from England.
Clerk:After checking,Miss Brown is in Room 2003.Miss Brown would like Miss Zhou to go straight to her room
2) Guest:This is your first visit to this city.You want to go sightseeing,but you don't know where to go,what to see and how to get there.
Clerk:Try to introduce some scenic spots in/near the city.

帮忙编两个英语小对话.(关于酒店英语).1)Visitor:Your name is Zhou Qian.You’re coming to visit a Miss Alice Brwn from England.Clerk:After checking,Miss Brown is in Room 2003.Miss Brown would like Miss Zhou to go straight to her roo
V:Hello,how are you doing my friend?
C:I'm fine,how may I help you?
V:I have a reservation at this hotel.
C:What is your name sir?
V:Zhou Qian
C Thnka you sir,you are checked in in room 1234.Is there anything else you need?
V:I'm here to visit Ms.Brown,from England.She is booked in this hotel as well.
C:What's her first name?
V:Alice,Alice Brown
C:Ok give me a second,let me check...Ah here she is,she is in room 2003,and she left a note as well...She wants you to go stright to her room.
V:I wonder what that might be,thank you!
G:Good morning my friend!
C:Hello sir,may I be of any assistance?
G:Yes,I just arrived in this city this morning,and I was hoping to do some sightseeing.But I don't know any specific places,are there any places that you would like to recommend?
C:Ah,yes,the Eiffel Tower is a place you definitely have to go in Paris.There are also many souvenirs stores around the place.
G:Thank you,and are there any local restaurants?
C:Yes,there are a few around that area,the foods are very delicious.
G:Thank you,you have a nice day!

帮忙编两个英语小对话.(关于酒店英语).1)Visitor:Your name is Zhou Qian.You’re coming to visit a Miss Alice Brwn from England.Clerk:After checking,Miss Brown is in Room 2003.Miss Brown would like Miss Zhou to go straight to her roo 急需10分钟酒店英语情景对话希望英语高手帮忙给个英语情景剧 只要10分钟左右 关于酒店方面的~用来演的``` 请高手帮忙编一个关于节日的英语对话,必有重谢~ 下面英语编对话 编英语对话麻烦大神们帮忙编个英语对话,关于减少现代生活压力和困难的方法.两个人的. 请用英语编一段对话用英语来编一段日常生活关于服装的对话 酒店服务的英语对话 帮忙编个旅游方面的4个人英语对话. 帮忙编一段英语对话(4人)初二水平有急用,在一天内关于学习英语的 关于“could I ..”“Could you please...“的英语对话编一个英语对话.要有情节.对话里要穿插如题的两个句子. 帮忙编一段4人英语对话有两个题目一个是在火车上的对话一个是关于我喜欢的和我不喜欢的要求单词不要太生僻单词数不超过200个 帮忙编个英语对话~帮忙编个对话、how to protect the earth最少6句 求英语大神帮忙编一段关于网上购物利弊的情景对话,是两人形式的,谢啦. 用英语介词编一个关于打电话的对话,急! 编对话用英语怎么说 “编对话”的英语怎么说? 编英语对话12句 关于酒店的英语用语比如说问候、帮忙、提醒等等.