英语信手工翻中,第一段hi,my darling baby!)))miss you for some days...im happy that you like a screen)Augustus Denairo this is not my name)))this is a nickname))my true name is Artsem or Tioma)Tioma is more kind)yeah)))my cat is 11kg!))like a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:51:22

英语信手工翻中,第一段hi,my darling baby!)))miss you for some days...im happy that you like a screen)Augustus Denairo this is not my name)))this is a nickname))my true name is Artsem or Tioma)Tioma is more kind)yeah)))my cat is 11kg!))like a
hi,my darling baby!)))miss you for some days...im happy that you like a screen)Augustus Denairo this is not my name)))this is a nickname))my true name is Artsem or Tioma)Tioma is more kind)
yeah)))my cat is 11kg!))like a small baby))he is very big))he is rather old,his birthday is 15 march 1998...yeah,but he is not unhealthy,he is full of energy and look great in his 11))...i was little and lived with my parens when he appeared near our door...
dictionary))this is usefull for you,you will know english well soon))and we can speak good and understand each other clearly soon))
maniacs...hmm,yeah,maybe so...some of the girls seem to be crazy and even want to marry or smt like this...some of them even wanted to send me their nude pics...so crazy...i think this is not a good behaiviour for a girl...i even don't know them but they are ready to show their body...ahh,world seem to be crazy...they even do not know me and they didn't spoke to me so good and fully as with you...
I will prepare some of new pics tomorrow and will upload them,so you can see them tomorrow))my cat and some my pics...
yeah,i was at hospital...i felt rather bad and dipressed after this year...it was too difficult and I'm under a great stress...i worked too hard...and slept only for 4 hours a day...so I made problems to my health...now will feel better...do not worry...
i'm going to the sea with 4 my previous classmates...but will be alone maybe...because I want really to have a rest and see beautiful nature...i like romantics and will spent evenings going near the sea and looking to a night sky with stars...this is very beautiful!)))
I'm too sleepy too,because i haven't slept good while i was in hospital,but now feel better and sleep better...
yeah,i made a mistake...right time is 8am,i thought previously that 6am,but asked my mother and she said 8)))I was born in Belarus,right...

英语信手工翻中,第一段hi,my darling baby!)))miss you for some days...im happy that you like a screen)Augustus Denairo this is not my name)))this is a nickname))my true name is Artsem or Tioma)Tioma is more kind)yeah)))my cat is 11kg!))like a
我亲爱的宝贝!想你好几天了.我很高兴你喜欢一部电影.Augustus Denairo 不是我的名字,这只是我的化名.我的名字是Artsem或者Tioma,Tioma听起来比较友善点.

嗨,我亲爱的孩子!!!)))想念你几天...我很高兴您喜欢的屏幕)奥古斯Denairo这不是我的名字) ) )这是一个昵称) )我的真实姓名是Artsem或Tioma ) Tioma更实物)
是啊) ) )我的猫是一一千克!!!))像小婴儿) ) ,他是非常大的) ) ,他是相当岁,他的生日是1998年3月15 ...是啊,但他并不是不健康的,他是充分能源,并期待在他的伟大的11 ))....


嗨,我亲爱的孩子!!!)))想念你几天...我很高兴您喜欢的屏幕)奥古斯Denairo这不是我的名字) ) )这是一个昵称) )我的真实姓名是Artsem或Tioma ) Tioma更实物)
是啊) ) )我的猫是一一千克!!!))像小婴儿) ) ,他是非常大的) ) ,他是相当岁,他的生日是1998年3月15 ...是啊,但他并不是不健康的,他是充分能源,并期待在他的伟大的11 ))...很少和我住在一起时,我亲他看起来已接近我们的大门...
字典) ) ,这是非常有用的,你就会知道英语很快) ) ,我们可以讲好,理解对方显然很快) )
迷...嗯,嗯,也许这样...一些女孩似乎是疯了,甚至想结婚或SMT这样...有的甚至想给我自己的裸体照片...太疯狂。 ..我想这是不是一个好behaiviour的一个女孩...我什至不知道他们,但他们愿意以显示自己的身体...稀释,世界似乎是疯了...他们甚至不知道我和他们不以我那么好,并充分与你...
我会准备一些新的照片明天将上传,这样你就可以看到他们明天) )我的猫和一些我的照片...
是啊,我在医院...我觉得相当不错,在今年dipressed ...这是太困难了,我下一个伟大的压力...我太硬...睡只为4小时一天...所以我提出的问题...现在我的身体会感觉更好...不要担心...
是的,我犯了一个错误...正确的时间是上午8时,我还以为是早上6时以前,但问我的母亲,她说8 ) ) )我出生在白俄罗斯,全...


英语信手工翻中,第一段hi,my darling baby!)))miss you for some days...im happy that you like a screen)Augustus Denairo this is not my name)))this is a nickname))my true name is Artsem or Tioma)Tioma is more kind)yeah)))my cat is 11kg!))like a 英语信手工翻中,第二段I went to UK for english studying and I like beautiful historical architecture...UK was my dream,so I like this country very much...work?nono,I have my own business and I keep it in Uk...it's connected with internet tec 英语信手工翻中,第二段短的I went to UK for english studying and I like beautiful historical architecture...UK was my dream,so I like this country very much...work?nono,I have my own business and I keep it in Uk...it's connected with intern 英文信件翻中,手工的,长信Hi!nice to see u,sweety!))my cat is rather fat and big))his weight is 11kg))he is very clean and not messy at all!he even use men's toilet for his needs!)))so clever kitty))i'm in UK,right...i live alone without fam 英文信件翻中手工翻,长Hi,my sweet baby!)now I have a notebook near me and have a great wish to write to you)I even haven’t got exact words,because my heard is full of ideas and thoughts)I came from Bulgaria…it was rather interesting time 英语信翻中,手工翻hi,my dear!)))i'm too impressed and like that you wrote such a long letter)now i'm in train,going from minsk to my parents...i'm using my cell,so i can't write much...minsk this is a capital of belarus...tomorrow i will come Dar Dar 英文短信翻中手工翻Hi,mydear!))I’m very sorry for so big delay between our messages…I had too manyproblems here,in Bulgaria…in the first day I made a very big pain to my fingersin the swimming pool…I hadn’t got an internet for a wee 英文短信件手工翻中hi my dear!))your last pics are very sweet!i even haven't words to say my feeling)so cutie and ideal)Asia is so big...yeah translater is not very good,i know it,that's why i asked your language,i can learn it hard and speak 英文短信件翻中手工的HI!i saw a message on my wall from you and now i feel really worried!you wrote that i speak with other girls at the same time that maybe i do not like you...this is absolutelly fake!why do you think so?as you can see my 英文信件翻中,手工的Hi,sweety!))i waited for you for so long...i missed you...my cat is rather fat)))but he always run in the house,he is a little bit crazy and funny))i do not think that cats are difficult,it de[ends on the cat or dog...my i 外国人发的长信分段手工翻中1last time I'm very busy,too much work and things to learn after summer...i need to develop my businees and run it well...yeah,my business connected with computers...especially internet and internet technologies 外国网友发的英文信手工翻中1Hi,my dear sweet doll!)))now I have 2am and now free...very tired after hard work,but happy to have a chance to write some words to you...i have recieved a long letter from you in the morning and said that will 外国人发的长信分段手工翻中not at all))everything for my beautiful,sweet girl)))so do not know japaneese well,but what language do you know well?chineese?i'm studying chineese now,is it ok?Yeah,we have rather cold weather now...too rainy, 外国人发的长信分段手工翻中3today i got up early,took my phone and cheked e-mail,i was too happy to see a message from you,baby!)))today i have to many plans to do,i should go shopping,cook a dinner,work a little,study and will go to a re 2人发的英语小评语翻中手工的hye...you always show your buttock in your picture...why not you show your breast...only for me...-------------------Hi,I just 1 to comment that white colour hair dont suit a beautiful asian gal like u.2nd is u “授信工作手册”翻译成英语怎么说