英语的问题.小虾来解答哪!And l won so many titles in many c_______.这是一段对话里的....反正不是city啊!l think swimming is more interesting than playing table tennis.=l think playing table tennis_________ __________ __________

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:12:05

英语的问题.小虾来解答哪!And l won so many titles in many c_______.这是一段对话里的....反正不是city啊!l think swimming is more interesting than playing table tennis.=l think playing table tennis_________ __________ __________
And l won so many titles in many c_______.
l think swimming is more interesting than playing table tennis.
=l think playing table tennis_________ __________ ____________ ____________swimming.

英语的问题.小虾来解答哪!And l won so many titles in many c_______.这是一段对话里的....反正不是city啊!l think swimming is more interesting than playing table tennis.=l think playing table tennis_________ __________ __________
is less interesting than

英语的问题.小虾来解答哪!And l won so many titles in many c_______.这是一段对话里的....反正不是city啊!l think swimming is more interesting than playing table tennis.=l think playing table tennis_________ __________ __________ 小虾一文中作者是抓住什么来写小虾的生活习性的?这样写有什么好处? 小虾的英文怎么说 小虾的食物是什么 英语高手请进,帮我看看有问题吗“S”—smile “W”—work “A”—all the time “L”—learn “L”—liberate “O”—opinion “W”—will,these letters compose one word:swallow,and this is what I am.这是对自己的一 英语句子小虾问题我想说:它在a、b、c等方面起了作用.这个“等方面”能这么表达不?a,b,c and so on aspects.该怎么表达, 极火虾的卵的问题极火虾的卵是抱着然后生出小虾还是要生出那些卵再孵化成小虾呢? 请会英语的来翻译一下l'm fne,and how are you 小虾课文的作者是谁 W这道年龄问题求解答 英语快来解答 大虾们,小虾来提问了.英语She ____(work) here since then.(用适当形式填空) 含W A Z L的英语句子 英语解答问题 英语问题寻求解答会的来写出现在进行时的两种用法,并分别举一个例句 一些关于英语弱弱的问题 大虾小虾都来哈Sometimes___English is quite different from___English in many waysA speaking writing B speaking writtenHow did all these___?A come up B come across C come about说下理由哈 C 如何利用化学的等效平衡来解答问题 作者是抓住什么来写小虾的生活习性的?这样写有什么好处?急,就今天一天.