we’ll go on the London Eye能讲一讲go on 在这里的用法吗?与go to 有什么区别

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we’ll go on the London Eye能讲一讲go on 在这里的用法吗?与go to 有什么区别
we’ll go on the London Eye
能讲一讲go on 在这里的用法吗?与go to 有什么区别

we’ll go on the London Eye能讲一讲go on 在这里的用法吗?与go to 有什么区别
go on
英 [ɡəu ɔn] 美 [ɡo ɑn]
If you go on doing something, or go on with an activity, you continue to do it.
Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year...
I'm all right here. Go on with your work...
I don't want to leave, but I can't go on.
2. 短语动词进行;发生
If something is going on, it is happening.
While this conversation was going on, I was listening with earnest attention...
I don't know what's going on.
3. 短语动词继续;持续 If a process or institution goes on, it continues to happen or exist.
The population failed to understand the necessity for the war to go on.
4. 短语动词(时间)流逝,过去
If you say that a period of time goes on, you mean that it passes.
Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on.
5. 短语动词(做完某事后)进而,接着(做另一件事) If you go on to do something, you do it after you have done something else.
Alliss retired from golf in 1969 and went on to become a successful broadcaster...
She went on to say that she had discussed it with the Canadian foreign minister.
6. 短语动词继续前进 If you go on to a place, you go to it from the place that you have reached.
He goes on to Holland tomorrow.
7. 短语动词继续说下去
If you go on, you continue saying something or talking about something.
Meer cleared his throat several times before he went on..
. 梅尔清了几次嗓子,又接着往下说.
'Go on,' Chee said. 'I'm interested.'
8. 短语动词唠叨,没完没了地说(英国英语中作go on at)
If you go on about something, or in British English go on at someone, you continue talking about the same thing, often in an annoying way.
Expectations have been raised with the Government going on about choice and market forces...
She's always going on at me to have a baby.
9. 短语动词赶紧,来吧(用于劝说或鼓励别人)
You say 'Go on' to someone to persuade or encourage them to do something.
Go on, it's fun. 来吧,很好玩的.
10. 短语动词凭…作出判断;以…作为判断的依据
If you talk about the information you have to go on, you mean the information you have available to base an opinion or judgment on.
But you have to go on the facts...
There's not much to go on.
11. 短语动词(电器设备)运转,开动
If an electrical device goes on, it begins operating.
light went on at seven every evening.
continue, resume, succeed, go on
continue: 普通用词.或指持续而不停止,或有一段中断后又继续下去.
resume: 指中断后的继续.
succeed: 侧重指有规律地连续.
go on: 通俗用词,多用于口语中.go on+-ing表暂停后继续做原事,即后继续的内容与原来的内容相同.go on+不定式指做完某事后,接着做不同的另一件事.
1. to go on a bender
2. to go on a binge
3. I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.
4. The kids wanted to go on the dodgems.
5. The street lights go on at dusk .
6. Go on, ask her; she can hardly refuse.
7. David left his boring job to go on a journey of self-discovery .
8. He's far too young to go on his own.
9. to go on a whistle-stop tour of Europe
10. In the way you go on,you are inevitably coming apart.
11. Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip.
12. The men go on watch when they were working.
13. Men aggravate me when they go on about how impractical women are.
14. I must put my thoughts together before I go on the platform.
15. We'll never finish if we go on at this rate.
16. The scientists will go on an expedition to the South Pole.
17. We should go on to the next item for time is short.
18. Many girls who run away to London eventually go on the streets.
19. Everything that is said between them will go on record.
20. Daff was selected from the whole class to go on the trip.
go to
英 [ɡəu tu:] 美 [ɡo tu]
v. 转到,定位;上;奔赴;赴
1.Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration .
2. I used to go to the cinema every week.
3. Her children go to the local comp.
4. Let's go to the cinema— there's a good film on this week.
5. He's the president's go-to guy on Asian politics. 他是总统的亚洲政治智囊.
go on
go on to do
go on doing
go on with的区别
go on意为继续,不停地继续,或停了以后再做.也就是继续原来没做完的同一件事,其后可跟一段时间的状语,用go on doing sth.如果作“接着”做(不同的一件事)解go on to do sth..但它指的是一个短暂性的动作,不能接表示一段时间的状语.
Having finished reading Lesson Four.he went on肥市to read Lesson Five.
go on doing指做某一事情因故暂停,尚未做完,再“继续”做下去.它还可表示“一直做某事”.如:
Although it was late, she went on working.
After a short break, he went on reading the text.
You shouldn't go on living in this way!
go on to do则表示某一件事已做完,再“接着”去做另一件事.如:
He went on to talk about the world situation.
Father said mother had gone to the hospital, and went on to say that grandmother was coming to take care of us.
go on with 是一个动副介型短语动词,其后通常接名词或代词作宾语.如:
May I go on with my work now? 我现在可以继续做我的工作了吗?
Please go on with your story. 请继续讲你的故事.

We'll return on the same road as we go,so we can't lose it. 、______ the difficulties that we may face,we’ll go on with the project Whether we'll go depends on the weather depend on 为什么要加s We'll decide on the best way to go on our field trip.咩意思 In my life we'll always go on ,the love that only you can give me 单句改错That we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. We’ll go to Shanghai the day______tomorrow 应该填 to,for,on,after哪个? Whether we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.中的depends on为什么要加s呢 we’ll go on the London Eye能讲一讲go on 在这里的用法吗?与go to 有什么区别 Thanks to the difficulties associated with the project,we'll go on with it 这一句不知如何理解 In my life we'll go on 的意思 If the weather permits,we'll go camping.=( ),we'll go camping.为什么 Whether we'll go hiking tomorrow depends on the weather.这里的depend后面为什么要加s啊? 我们是否外出取决于天气 ____ ___ ____ we'll go outing depends on the weather请帮忙填空 指出下列句子中划线部分的句子成分:1.Whether we'll go depend on the weather . 用if连接下列各句1.We'll go to the Greet Wall.It's fine tomorrow.2.I'll come here on Sunday.I am free.3.We'll travel round the world.We win a lot of money.4.We'll miss the train.You don't hurry.5.We won't go to the seaside.It rains tomorrow. 用if连接下列句子1.We'll go to the Great Wall .It' fine tomorrow.2.I'll come here on Sunday.I am free.3.We'lltravel round the world.We win a lot of money.4.We'll miss the train.You don't huny.5.We'll won't go to the seaside.It rains tomorrow. we'll go to the park by bike.(改为同义句)we'll --- --- the park.