1.He booked the hotel room in advanse 2.I would apreciate it if you could help me请把错的单词写出并修改

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 01:28:15

1.He booked the hotel room in advanse 2.I would apreciate it if you could help me请把错的单词写出并修改
1.He booked the hotel room in advanse 2.I would apreciate it if you could help me

1.He booked the hotel room in advanse 2.I would apreciate it if you could help me请把错的单词写出并修改
1.advanse改为advance 2.apreciate 改为appreciate

The Peninsula Hote 一词多意1.In spring,I found a spring in the spring 2.He booked a book from a booseller 这两句是什么 1.He booked the hotel room in advanse 2.I would apreciate it if you could help me请把错的单词写出并修改 初中英语句子改错.1. He always cheets at cards2. I love this paintting.3. The show attracts a regular audeince of about ten million4. He booked the hotel room in advanse5. I would apreciate it if you could help me He's forgotten both of the______ we booked at the hotel.a、room number b、rooms number c、rooms nu 教几个初一的英语题目1.The pay phone is next to the library.The ibrary is next to the hote.合并为一句 He had such a longing to return home ______ he had booked a train ticket before the vacation began.A.where B.that C.which D.as are booked solid是什么时态?we're booked solid for the next six months 翻译:昨天,他通过电话预订了一张硬卧票.He booked a ticket for the ___ ___ ___the phone yesterday. “______ you give me a room for the night?” I asked on arriving at the hote “______ you give me a room for the night?” I asked on arriving at the hote 初三英语适当形式填空五题 2.He booked me a ---(sit) for the dinner3.Avatar is a ---(fiction)character in the film4.I have ---(learn)the works by heart before the text5.This insert is good for us ,It's -----(harmful)1.Tony is a -------(cu A:I would like to make an appointment with the.doctor for tomorrow.B:(Unfortunate,he is completely booked).the only.time available to him is the day after tomorrow.Unfortunate,he is totally taken A Frenchman went to visit New York.He didn’t know English.When he 1 New York,he 2 a bus to a hote对不起,我提问错了,He stopped an old man,but the old man didn’t understandhim,填空选too还是either还是also还是neither On Sundays,he often speeds almost all his time in the bookstore,( )the booked he needs.A.searches B.searching C.searches for D.searching for为什么?又是怎么句式? hote什么意思 hote的意思 Welcome to our hote.lt is( ) in the city A best B the bestthe best在这里是名词?