
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:07:10


其实“报关”一词不能翻译成apply the customs,这是中式英语
I want to buy your product,but I wonder(想要知道) if you can set the price at 50 dollars,we have to declare it(报关的正确译法) below the cost.(低于市值的英式译法)

I want to purchase your this product, whether but writes the productprice 50 Dollar, because we need according to be lower than the goodsvalue declaration .

I want to buy your product, but can you write the produce price as 50 dollars, as we need to apply the customs a lower price than the actual one.

We are willing to buy this product,but could you please show the unit price at USD50 on the commercial invoice as we need to make customs clearance on the amount which is lower than cargo value.

I want to purchase your products,But can write USD 50 of price of articles,Because we need press low pay customs duties in the goods value.

We wanna to buy your product,but could you write the price as 50 dollars? Because we should apply the customs with a lower price than the goods value.

I want to purchase your product, but could you please state the (Unit) Price as USD50 (on the invoice), because we need to declare them using the price lower than the actual value of the goods.

i wanna buy your product but can you put the price to 50 dollars? because our product must be lower than the product cost to apply the customs


中翻英,急,大概意思是:我想购买你们的这个产品,但是能否把产品价格写50美金,因为我们需要按低于货值报关. 我想知道大概的意思 英语翻译(如果可以,你们来昆明我当导游)麻烦各位帮我翻译一下标准的英语,大概意思是这样的也可以,急, 英语翻译manage to 我的意思是 你们在这等着,等我想点法救你们。想点办法 怎么说 我想知道文章的大概意思, 请问explore purchase什么意思商业上的吧谢谢几位的回答,大概知道了意思,可是这强调调查还是购买呢,或者说是不是explore是名词修饰purchase呢。in a word,是试探性购买,还是购买性调查 我想这一个内涵点的说说又不知道怎么写,大概意思是我一直都在, 格林童话《灰姑娘》的大概意思急 用java写出菱形!不要给我写出来!我现在是学写,你们把大概的意思说一下!我想自己写, 英语翻译估计是有语法问题 但是我想知道大概的意思 医院清洗伤口用什么消毒水清洗?急我是玻璃划伤的,缝针过的,医院清洗伤口有一瓶是无色液体,另外一瓶是颜色是浓浓的颜色.请问下这两种大概是什么清洗药水.我想去药店购买, 自信,大概的意思是? 梦境美.易生醉.只是游客.人生短.离别难.过客而已.相思泪.催人残.看客罢了.这句话的详细意思知道的请回答一下 急大概意思我明白!我想知道这句话的详细意思! 圣诞节,苹果、巧克力、玫瑰花代表什么意思?代表什么意思啊,我想搞清楚,这是平安夜送给我女朋友的,你们说合适吗? 英语翻译大概意思是非洲人公墓、非裔美国人,但这是纽约的一个地方,我想知道有没有比较正式的翻译 执子之手,笑看沧海桑田 吻子之眸,轻许海誓山盟 这是情侣网名,我想知道大概意思大概意思 我想购买一台不干胶分条机与一台不干胶切张机,价格大概多少?请问在那里购买,那一家供应商的产品较好. 英语翻译我知道是要煮的纯咖啡,我想知道的是:图上语言的中文意思,以及这包咖啡属于哪种级别,大概多少¥