The post man____ a black bike.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:02:19

The post man____ a black bike.
The post man____ a black bike.

The post man____ a black bike.

is riding


The post man____ a black bike. He was the first man____ the finishing pass B.pass C.passed D.past A car hit a man and the man____(hurt)badly. Do you know the man____ a blue uniform ____the second photo A.wear,in B.wearing ,in为什么? The man____(with ,has )long hair is a movie star . He is the kindest man____ I have ever met.A,that B.who C.whom D.which 选哪个 Do be quiet I'm trying to catch what the man____ A says B is saying C has said D said选什么 语法! Lanlan,please post the ( ) for me A.postcard B.stamp The young man piays sports for a living.改成The young man____ ____ ____ ____sports. I want to know_______ A Where is the post office B where the post office is 为什么不选A, Can you tell me where ____?A,is the post office B,the post office is请大家说明理由 please remember ___ the lettle when you go to the post office A post B posting C to post D posts The young man____ is a friend of mine.A.who I had a talk B.whom I had a talk withC.whom I had a talk D.which I had a talk with Would you tell me _____ A.where is the post office B.where stands the post office C.where the post office is D.where stood the post office 选哪个啊 -I am sorry i forget ( ) the letter for you -I will post it myself .A .to post D.posted please remember _____ the letter for me .I forget _______ it his post,to post post ,posting选哪个?为什么? You can put your letter in the box B.litter binC.lamp post D.teaffic light The young man stole a wallet from the lady.=The young man____ _____ _____ _____a wallet