A rescue team_sent to the flooded area and the team _given different jobs.A.was were答案是A.为什么第二个空选were,根据什么原则?意义一致,语法一致

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:04:17

A rescue team_sent to the flooded area and the team _given different jobs.A.was were答案是A.为什么第二个空选were,根据什么原则?意义一致,语法一致
A rescue team_sent to the flooded area and the team _given different jobs.
A.was were答案是A.为什么第二个空选were,根据什么原则?意义一致,语法一致

A rescue team_sent to the flooded area and the team _given different jobs.A.was were答案是A.为什么第二个空选were,根据什么原则?意义一致,语法一致

A rescue team_sent to the flooded area and the team _given different jobs.A.was were答案是A.为什么第二个空选were,根据什么原则?意义一致,语法一致 rescue rescue to rescue a person to save the never for a second,did I doubt that my father would come to my rescue.这个to my rescue 是怎么回事 I don‟t become a serious climber until the fifth grade,______ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a treeA.when B.where C.which D.why rescue antiemetic But I don`t want to depend on anyone else,I`d rather rescue myself” i don't wanna be like cinderella,i'd rather rescue myself怎么翻译 some of the rescue workers and doctors were t( )under the ruins(括号处填什么) 请帮我写出知识点A ladder is used to ___the people __ a burning building.A.find;for B.rescue;from c.control; of D.rescue; for A come to B's rescue 是A救B 还是B救AA go to B's rescue 两个意思不一样 Charles did what he could____ the drowning man, although he himself was in danger.A.rescue B.rescued Cto rescue D.rescuing. what引导什么句子 don't ask why译I remember the day I first met you You really caught my attention Didn't know I was looking for a rescue I wasn't thinking that hard Now and then I was there in the moment I was ready for nothing It doesn't mean that I really di 请解释两道英语语法题(在线等)1.There is no light in the dormitory.They have gone to the lecture,_____?A.didn't they B.don't they C.mustn't they D.haven't they2.The rescue team must have searched for the missing visitors two days ag 英语翻译Rescue dogs and cats in Colorado have a new reason to bark and meow. A number of doctors and nurses were found ____(rescue)the injured. 求翻译bond had not expected to turn his holiday into a rescue duty