M:Why don't we go to the concert?W:I will go get the concert.为什么go和get两个动词能够连用?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:16:57

M:Why don't we go to the concert?W:I will go get the concert.为什么go和get两个动词能够连用?
M:Why don't we go to the concert?W:I will go get the concert.为什么go和get两个动词能够连用?

M:Why don't we go to the concert?W:I will go get the concert.为什么go和get两个动词能够连用?
但是在口语中,go经常后面直接跟动词,也可以视作是go and get中间的and省略.这种不正式的用法一般只会在口语中出现,而且,据我所知,目前这种不正式的用法只在go + 动词中出现,例如:go take it,快去拿,let's go eat 我们去吃饭吧.