hosts是什么 hosts文件在什么位置 如何修改hosts

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 06:38:03

hosts是什么 hosts文件在什么位置 如何修改hosts
hosts是什么 hosts文件在什么位置 如何修改hosts

hosts是什么 hosts文件在什么位置 如何修改hosts
一文,其中就涉及到了host文件,之后也偶尔有网友请教编辑hosts是什么意思,小编们给了简单的介绍,不过近期又有网友问类似的问题,在此笔者觉得有必要为电脑新手朋友介绍下hosts是什么文件,(1)什么是Hosts文件?Hosts是一个没有扩展名的系统文件,可以用记事本等工具打开,其作用就是将一些常用的网址域名与其对应的IP地址建立一个关联“数据库”,当用户在浏览器中输入一个需要登录的网址时,系统会首先自动从Hosts文件中寻找对应的IP地址,一旦找到,系统会立即打开对应网页,如果没有找到,则系统再会将网址提交DNS域名解析服务器进行IP地址的解析.\x0d(2)为什么进行Hosts 文件修复?很多病毒会修改Hosts文件,例如:把Baidu、Google等常用地址均指向病毒网站,只要你上网搜索,自然会中毒!也会利用修改Hosts文件把购物、银行等网站指向钓鱼网站,盗取您的账号密码.更有甚者,病毒会通过修改Hosts使您无法访问杀毒软件官网,无法下载杀毒软件进行查杀,所以Hosts文件修复非常重要.\x0dhosts文件位置:windows 系统:C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etchosts 文件内容:\x0d复制代码代码如下:# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.## This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.## This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names.Each\x0d# entry should be kept on an individual line.The IP address should\x0d# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.\x0d# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one# space.## Additionally,comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual\x0d# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.## For example:## # source server\x0d# # x client host\x0d127.0.0.1 localhost\x0d如果你怀疑你的hosts文件 被病毒 木马修改,可复制以上内容修复hosts 文件.\x0d本地通过hosts实现屏蔽网站,例如我们想屏蔽或你想本地流量cctv.com为本地网站,可以在后面添加\x0d127.0.0.1\x0d(在hosts文件上右键 属性 常规 将只读选项取消选择即可)

hosts是什么 hosts文件在什么位置 如何修改hosts hosts文件在哪 hosts文件位置 hosts文件是什么? hosts和hosts_backup有什么区别 Cisco Hosts British Prime Minister and Valley Executives整句怎么翻译....Hosts在本句中起什么作用....^^ guests and hosts 中文翻译 their hosts think they should have them try something foreign and new.的意思是什么? IP adressYou have the network many subnets and hosts are available?A1subnet with 254 hosts B 254subnest with 254 hosts 请问:host复数hosts要如何发音呢?如题 some exampies guests and hosts no matter how中文翻译 I am lucky as I am one of the hosts. act as hosts to many insect pests .insect和pests并列做什么成分啊,都是名词,原句:Often very annoying weeds,goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants and act as hosts to many insect pests.问问often这一短句,干嘛这么用啊 Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts什么意思我在使用我们公司的一套离线版的办公软件,输入用户名和密码之后就出现了这个.请问这个事什么意思,怎么解决啊.谢谢关键是怎么解决这个 CCNA 里的计算题The number of required host addresses for each subnet in a network is listed below.Net A--6 hosts B--14 hosts C--33 hosts D--126 hosts number includes the host addre 通过出售商品或提供服务赚钱 _____________________appear as hosts __________________ if a man receives no guests at home,when at broad he will have no hosts eventually need to have to hit the hosts,don't try so hard The programs Sun Xiaomei hosts may be among the shortest on TV.翻译成英文! Application hardening什么意思Operating System and Application HardeningOperating System and/or Application hardening services are carried out on specific hosts and applications. The service involves re-configuring to increase security over and ab