英语专业人士回答英语问题I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.1.I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.A) wouldn’t have feltB) shouldn’t beC) wouldn’t beD) never had been2.I will put half a dozen cakes ____ box.Sh

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 04:56:27

英语专业人士回答英语问题I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.1.I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.A) wouldn’t have feltB) shouldn’t beC) wouldn’t beD) never had been2.I will put half a dozen cakes ____ box.Sh
英语专业人士回答英语问题I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.
1.I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.
A) wouldn’t have felt
B) shouldn’t be
C) wouldn’t be
D) never had been
2.I will put half a dozen cakes ____ box.Should I put both of them in a bag for you?
A) into a
B) onto
C) in each
D) in the
3.Phil:I ____ I could give you a hand with that case?
May:It’s not as heavy as it looks.
A) am unsure if
B) perhaps
C) feel
D) don’t suppose
I couldn’t tell how emotional she was,she keeps her ____ to herself.
A) opinions
B) fears
C) motions
D) feelings

英语专业人士回答英语问题I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.1.I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.A) wouldn’t have feltB) shouldn’t beC) wouldn’t beD) never had been2.I will put half a dozen cakes ____ box.Sh
A wouldn't have felt
B. in each
D. don't suppose
D. Feeling

英语专业人士回答英语问题I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.1.I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.A) wouldn’t have feltB) shouldn’t beC) wouldn’t beD) never had been2.I will put half a dozen cakes ____ box.Sh Human being 什么时候加S请英语人士回答 请英语专业的人士回答.关于句式的疑问.You know what I discovered?It's not who you want to spend Friday night with,it's who you want to spend all day Saturday with.Feel me?请问这个句子是否存在语病,如果存在请准确指出 回答一个英语问题,我听说杭州是观光的好地方.I ____ Hangzhou is a ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. 英语短语:at one’s 和in one’s home 请专业人士回答. 请回答下列英语问题:1、On Saturday morning,I played tennis.(改为一般疑问句)_____ you ____ tennis on Saturday2、Jim's last weekend was .(就划线部分提问)—— —— Jim's last weekend? 英语专业人士,帮我剔除次要缩短这句话!Who Will Survive In America - Kanye West里面的一句歌词!【All I want is a good home and a wifeAnd a children and some food to feed them every night.】希望英语好的人士,帮我缩短 几个英语问题,1.He stood up as soon as I went in.(改为同义句)He stood up ____ ____ I went in.2.Tom's English is no better than Tina's.(改为同义句)Tom's English is ____ ____ ____ Tina's.3.She won't go climbing.I won't go climbin 捉弄别人是不礼貌的用英语回答!it's not polite ____ ____ ____ ____ others . 英语问题→回答 乱句重组the on I it's walk fun to moon think. 关于escape,escape from希望英语专业人士回答精确简练先给出几句例句:The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison.He traveled extensively to escape from boredom.We were lucky to escape being punished/escape punishment.He escaped t 请英语专业人士看看这句话翻译的有没有问题.人的欲望如此强大,让你永远不能愉悦安详如实地活在当下,只能一辈子艳羡心中不断幻现出的无数图画.People's desire is so strong,let you can never cheerfu 英语回答的方式问题Don't forget to do your homework on the weekend ok ,I ____ (wiil or won't ) GIVE ME THE REASEON 请求英语专业人士给予解答:(新概念英语第一册)一.汉译英1.Kate 上学期经常迟到.2.当他还是个孩子的时候,经常问一些奇怪的问题.3.那个箱子太重了,我搬不动.二.句型转换1.Tom lost his new pen 英语问题,和以前一样,一题5点财富值.1—2根据课文内容补全下列句子(牛津小学6b第一课)[1]on ___ morning , suhai ___ for a ____ in the ____.[2]that's ___. i want ____ meet her ____ ____.[3]do you ____ ____ brothers ___ Gentle Man 标准发音、英语高级人士 请回答下 一些简单的英语填词问题1.Doing exercise ____(help)you ____(keep)fit.2.It's strange to see the book here.I remember ____(return)it to the library.3.It's interesting ____(wear) a tiger costume.4.The teacher wants us ____(carry) the heavy box. 回答英语问题:And what about your bedroom?It's( ).请用英语回答,不用翻译.