否定句的回答,例如:you don't think this is a good thing for me,do you?如果想说我觉得是要怎me回答

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 18:50:47

否定句的回答,例如:you don't think this is a good thing for me,do you?如果想说我觉得是要怎me回答
否定句的回答,例如:you don't think this is a good thing for me,do you?如果想说我觉得是要怎me回答

否定句的回答,例如:you don't think this is a good thing for me,do you?如果想说我觉得是要怎me回答
无论问句怎么反问 你的回答是就是肯定回答,不是就是否定回答.
就这句话而言,提问do you?你认为这不是件好事,不是么?
你回答“不,我觉得是”,那么就是肯定回答,所以就是I do,根据语法,肯定do前面就必须用yes,所以完整的回答就是“Yes,I do.” 如果你想回答“是,我不这么认为”,那么就应该回答“I don't”,我不这么认为,在匹配前面的yes 或 no,就很容易做对了.
总结,无论怎么提问,后面都按实际回答,再去匹配相应的yes 或 no就不会出错了.

I don't think this is a good thing for me,what about your idea?

只要是肯定的都用yes,所以应该说yes,I do

Yes ,it is

当然这句话的 think 是插入语,所以有it is


这类句子的英语回答比较好记,是的:就是:Yes./ Yes, it is. (是的,那是件好事);如果不是:就是:No./ No, it isn't. (不,那不是一件好事)


yes,that isn't.


yes, I do
还原就是(yes, I do think this is a good thing for me)

yes ,i do. 这种句子的回答主要是看回答的后半句,i do 是你的主观意思,顺着这个就可以把前面的yes 确定了。如果是否定的回答,就是NO ,i don't.回答的句子要保持前后一致

否定句的回答,例如:you don't think this is a good thing for me,do you?如果想说我觉得是要怎me回答 请教:think的反问句用法例如:I think you are busy now, aren't you?还是 I think you are busy now, don't I?否定句 I don't think...又是怎样使用的? 把I You They He变成肯定句 和否定句 例如;I watch TV .I don't watch TV. 前面是肯定(否定)句式,后是疑问的怎么回答例如,you have nothing important,do you?回答yes,you have something important,don't you?回答yes, Would you like some juice?的否定回答是什么?No,I don't like( )juice? Don't be late for school,will you 这句话的肯定和否定回答 否定形式祈使句的反义疑问句回答例如:Don't tell others,will you?这种类型的反义疑问句怎么回答?如果说Yes那是告诉别人还是不告诉的意思? Don't you like biology?用英语怎么回答?如果是肯定句,是Yes,I____.如果是否定句,是No,I____.可前面的疑问词是否定的啊? 英语否定问句如何回答例如 Don't you like me?Aren't you playing music?回答是不是Yes,……is/aren't 或No,………is/are在帮忙回答一个问题Isn't the shop open now?的肯 否回答 Don’t you think so?的回答Don’t you think so?的肯定回答和否定回答分别是怎样的?是 yes,i do .还是yes,i don't.那中文是 “我同意”吗? have to 做谓语的一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答以下这两种形式是否都正确?请哪位大虾告知?例如:Do you have to take care of your father at home?肯定回答:Yes,I do..或者Yes,I must.否定回答:No,I don't.或 1.do you homework.变为否定句 2.please show you turn on the man.变为否定句1.do you homework.变为否定句 2.please show you turn on the man.变为否定句 3.why don't you turn on the bender?肯定回答4.stop laughing!写同义句5.you mu don't you want some apples?问 肯定回答 和 否定回答 分别 是什么 Don't you like animals?是什么意思?怎样肯定回答和否定回答? may的否定回答是什么?no, you _____. Don't be late for school ._____ _____?(改为祈使句) 1.按实际回答问题【完整答】.Do you often play card?答句要求否定与肯定的.2.I hope you are too.为什么我们书上第一题的答句是we do / we don`t Be quick!否定句请用Don't回答 对you look happy的回答对You look happy.的否定回答是No,I don't.还是No,I'm not.