pieces of music 是单数还是复数?I like pieces of music that _______ gentle lyrics.have & has 应该选哪个?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 20:13:28

pieces of music 是单数还是复数?I like pieces of music that _______ gentle lyrics.have & has 应该选哪个?
pieces of music 是单数还是复数?
I like pieces of music that _______ gentle lyrics.
have & has 应该选哪个?

pieces of music 是单数还是复数?I like pieces of music that _______ gentle lyrics.have & has 应该选哪个?

单数 has


pieces of music 是单数还是复数?I like pieces of music that _______ gentle lyrics.have & has 应该选哪个? 是ten piece of music还是ten pieces of music Why not______(listen)some pieces of music tow pieces of musics?这种说法对吗?tow pieces of musics 还是 tow pieces of music 还是 tow piece of musics 还是 tow piece of music 关于定语从句的谓语动词she prefers pieces of music which ( )great lyrics.A have B has选哪个,是看misic还是看pieces he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music he could hum songs and diffcult pieces of music . difficult pieces of music与some pieces of music有什么区别啊?some difficult pieces of music与some pieces of good news有什么区别?为什么一个形容词放在前,一个形容词放在piece的后面? other 后跟名词单数,还是复数》other 后跟 可数名词单数,还是复数 能跟不可数吗?2.two pieces of coats two pieces of coat.疑惑,是 复数前面有了表示,后面 可数名词coat 还要不要用 复数. 是否有pieces of musics这种用法?He could hum songs and difficult________.A、piece of musics B、pieces of musics C、piece of music那是否就代表着有pieces of musics呢?如果有,但music好象是不可数的,那在这个词组中又是 The music sounds______of the the three pieces of music.(wonderful)要说为什么! the musician wrote three ____last year 1.pieces of music 2.pieces of musics 3.piece of musics4.piece of music the man also wrote hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the orchestra.中pieces做何解释.谢谢! coat / coats 那个对啊two pieces of coats two pieces of coat已经知道coat 是可数名词,2.pajamas 是睡衣 的意思 是表示,复数还是 单数?谓语动词选单数,还是复数 the little boy can hum songs and several diffcult ____ 1.musics 2.music 3.pieces of musics4.pieces of music there are two pieces of bread on the plate 此句子改成单数形式There_____ _____ _____bread on the plate对不起是四个空 difficult pieces of music 中的形容词可以放在名词前吗 he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music!翻译这句话!