
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 09:03:06


in the fist place 把……放在首位
in the first sight 第一眼
places of interest 名胜古迹
take place 发生
take place of 代替
in place of 代替
in the place of 在……位置上

place an order,做一个预订
take place 发生

take place

take place

take place 不及物动词词组 “发生”
take one's place 代替某人 ; 但是主语要与宾语一致时,表示 “就坐{”
be in place 恰当,合适 be out of place 不恰当
in the first place = first of all = at first = to begin / start with
a ...


take place 不及物动词词组 “发生”
take one's place 代替某人 ; 但是主语要与宾语一致时,表示 “就坐{”
be in place 恰当,合适 be out of place 不恰当
in the first place = first of all = at first = to begin / start with
a place of interest 一处名胜
in place of sb, 代替某人
