
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 20:34:58


There are two basic characteristics of Indian culture, that is, its diversity and religious. Indian culture is essentially a religious culture. Currently, more than 99% of Indian people are religious believers, atheists minimal. Indian culture in the complicated, always the dominant Hindu culture, which runs through the history of Indian civilization has always been. Hindus believe that the human soul forever and animism, and to promote and life cycle of retribution. In view of the teaching, life is not that life is beginning to dead end, but an endless series of lives being a part of every life is the period of the previous life and decisions to restrict. A person's good behavior make him ascend to heaven, evil is that he can fall. Therefore, individuals must accumulate merit through the practice and understanding the Vatican to return to the Vatican, and Vatican unity. "Van contract" is the core of Hindu philosophy, is the pursuit of the highest Hindu goals of life. Thanks to this belief in pursuit and, therefore, in the spirit of Hindu philosophy with the fundamental issue of this material showed a tendency to stress the spirit light material, it also determines the vast majority of Indians are the most basic values. On the other hand, in this religious culture, driven by the formation of the Indian national character, passionate, articulate, good at logic, full of fantasy and the concept of time difference, the characteristics of practical ability is not strong. At the same time the formation of religious and cultural values, but also dominate people's spiritual life and behavior,
  Western culture and Indian culture of conflict everywhere. United States, KFC, McDonald's fast food restaurant in India for years, racking their brains, but little progress. In 2000, KFC announced its withdrawal from the Indian market, McDonald's opened in India, only two dozen, it is because the West Indian fast-food culture and do not eat beef and vegetarian culture conflict. Thus, an American businessman for many years in India, said: "do not understand Indian culture, do not come to India investment."
  In fact, the contempt matter, advocating the spirit of the national character of Indian society today is still greatly affected. Many big names, a great intellectual, while their social status is high, but still despised material, puts the pursuit of the highest spiritual position. Many ordinary people even more so. From an economic development perspective, this national character on the one hand contribute to social stability and harmony, not because of over-expansion of matter away desperately desire to compete for resources; the other hand will suppress consumption, leading to market is not prosperous, it is difficult stimulating rapid economic growth

英语翻译印度文化有两大基本特征,即它的多样性和宗教性.印度文化基本上属于宗教文化.目前,印度99%以上的人都是宗教信徒,无神论者极少.在纷繁复杂的印度文化中,始终占据主导地位的是印 文化全球化的基本特征? 传统法律文化的基本特征 举例说明旅游地文化的基本特征 印度恒河的文化 英语翻译世界历史上先后有五大文化圈,即:希腊(罗马)文化圈,希伯来(基督教)文化圈,汉(儒家)文化圈,印度(佛教)文化圈,伊斯兰(阿拉伯)文化圈①.其中,希腊文化和希伯来文化的 中国传统审美文化的基本特征是什么 中国传统法律文化的基本特征有哪些? 社区文化的基本特征,功能是什么 日本稻作文化的基本特征 古代印度种姓制度的内容和基本特征有哪些 古代印度种姓制度的内容和基本特征有哪些按照内容和基本特征逐条回答 玄奘将印度的哪些文化输入中国 英语翻译语言是文化的一个特殊组成部分.如果把文化作为一个包罗万象的总体概念来看,则语言属于人类总体文化,即大文化的范畴.但它在总体文化中的地位比较特殊,与总体文化中的其它成 社会主义的基本特征是什么?从经济上.思想文化上! 夏,商,西周时期文化发展的基本特征 浙江旅游文化的基本特征是什么?请用2000字左右的篇幅叙述浙江旅游文化的基本特征是什么 什么是信息化战争,它的基本特征是什么?